Public Relations

10 Media Interview Mistakes Therapists Make

10 media interview mistakes I've written before about how media interviews (television, podcasts, speaking engagements etc.) can be helpful in educating your community about critical mental health issues, establishing yourself as an expert in your field, and perhaps even gaining new clients (click here to learn more benefits of participating in media interviews). But our expertise is as clinical counselors, and many therapists have little to no experience with a cameraman, bright lights, and the general "show-biz" aspect of the process. Over the years, I've noticed a few common mishaps that some individuals (including myself) have made. In hopes of preventing our readers from making these same mistake, here are 10 common interview mistakes therapists make:

10 Media Interviews mistakes therapists(2)

1. They don't see the value in media presence

Some clinicians may not see the purpose or value of sitting down with someone and having a formal interview about a topic concerning mental health, relationships, or some other aspect relating to their niche. "Wouldn't my time be better spent doing clinical work or working to attract new prospects?" they may wonder. While it's true that you must work to balance your responsibilities, participating in the occasional interview is worth your time. And there is also the possibility that interviews become more frequent and perhaps even becomes a paid opportunity for you. Then it will certainly be valuable as an income stream.

2. They begin by promoting their practice

While media interviews are a great way to get the word out about your therapy practice, avoid being pushy or overly promotional. Don't mention your services first thing. Instead, present your message, then end by giving the name and contact information (usually the website) of your practice. Viewers and listeners will want to hear your thoughts before they are interested in taking the next step. So let your work speak for itself, then close the interview by concisely talking about your practice.

3. They prepare too much material         

Time is of the essence in interviews, and you'll have a very specific time allotted to communicate your message. Some therapists may fear running out of things to say, so they prepare an abundance of material. But this technique can backfire, as it may cause you to be too long-winded, neglect valuable pieces of your message, rush to try to fit everything in, or cause you to run out of time. As your prepare your talking points, be mindful of your time limit and even practice your interview in that same time frame.

4. They expect those in production to help them manage nerves   

There are many individuals who work together to make sure the interview goes smoothly. The person conducting the interview, the camera operators, sound techs, etc. Everyone has a designated job and are usually very busy in their own responsibilities. If you are feeling nervous about an interview (particularly if it is your first one), know that you probably can't expect these people to be able to help calm your worry. Trust your own self and perhaps bring a friend along if you think you may need moral support.

5. They don't switch out of therapist mode to sound byte mode  

The way we speak in an interview is quite different than the way we speak to a client (it's interesting that when we are in the therapist chair, we are the ones asking questions, but in an interview, we are being asked the questions). Good therapists often speak slowly, reflect back, pause often, and go deeper. However, good TV interview skills require the opposite: speak quickly, don’t reflect back, keep the interview moving, and stay on target. Someone may take something you say as a quote to use in an article or to simply remember, so try to make the things you say somewhat "digestible" and even catchy (while not being gimmicky, of course). Read here for specific ways to keep your message clear, concise, and effective.

6. They don't ask to be invited to interview again     

If your interview goes well, there's no reason to not do one again in the future! Building that relationship takes time and will not happen in a single media exposure. Self-advocate and ask to be interviewed again by a certain outlet or production crew. The worst they can say is no! Simply asking to be interviewed again has helped me secure and maintain ongoing interview gigs.

7. They don't maximize their interview  

An interview is worthless if others do not view/ listen to/ read it. Be sure to maximize it by sharing it via your social media outlets. For example, when I am interviewed for a television segment, I always obtain the link, share it on Facebook and Twitter, then upload the video to my Youtube account and my blog. I want to make sure others know about it. Don't be shy about letting your followers know that you've given your professional insight in a formal setting. Remember, they are interested in what you have to say!

8. They speak in psychobabble    

As mentioned previously, in an interview, you're not speaking to a client, but you're not speaking to a psychology professor, either. Make sure you phrase your ideas in ways that others can understand. There's nothing worse than a pretentious expert talking over others' heads. Though you want to establish credibility, your point is not to prove how smart you are, but instead to educate viewers on a specific topic. Don't "dumb down" your message, but avoid using too many theoretical terms.

9. They don't do their homework

It's important to do some research about the media outlet before your interview. Ask yourself: 1) Who is the audience?, 2) What is the tone? 3) What is the format? 4) Who is the host or interviewer? 5) How can I best serve their audience? Once you've gathered this information, use it to inform the content that you prepare and deliver in the interview.

10. They don't specify how they would like to be introduced

Prior to your interview, be very specific about how you would like to be introduced and referred to during the interview. Make sure to include the full name of your private practice. Also, make sure you request that they mention your website, and if it's a TV interview, ask them to display your website address in a visual banner. You are donating your time in exchange for the opportunity to talk about your passion, and in exchange, you get to build trust with your community. So be very clear about who you are, what you do, and how the audience can find out more about your work.

What are some media interview mistakes that YOU'VE experienced? 

If you'd like to build your media skills and develop a strong media and social media presence hop on over and check out my new media training just for therapists! Enrollment just opened today and there are a limited number of early bird spots offered at a reduced fee Rock the Media School for Therapists

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HARO: My Secret Weapon to Landing Media Interviews

HARO My Secret Weapon to Landing Media InterviewsMedia interviews are a great way to share your passions and spread the word about your practice. 

They can connect you with other professionals in the field, get your name out there to potentially attract more clients, and can often give you an additional source of income.  But how exactly do you land those media interviews?  How do you get the word out that you have expertise that you want to share with an audience?

I have a secret weapon that has opened many doors for me, including media interviews with The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Cosmopolitan, Woman's Day, Fox News, Health, and dozens of other top-tier publications, without paying for an agent or PR representative. Here's the full list of my recent media interviews. The weapon? (otherwise known as HARO)

What HARO?

HARO is an excellent free tool where reporters or journalists can go and make inquiries about what professionals they can connect with in order to cite in their publications.  In other words, they are looking for experts in a certain field.  You might be exactly who they are looking for!  HARO is used by hundreds of news outlets, including very well-known ones such as Huffington Post, ABC, and DowJones.

How Does HARO Work?

As a potential source, you register through their website.  After signing in, you’ll receive 3 emails a day that match the keyword references on your profile (where you entered your areas of expertise).  If it looks like a good match, you respond and get the ball rolling.  Be sure to reply quickly; these opportunities go fast!

What Results Can You Expect?

While HARO can be a great way to get exposure and land those interviews, don’t expect the offers to come rolling in right away.  It can take a while to get responses. You will have to be persistent and patient in order for things to pay off.  In the past few years since using HARO, roughly 20% of my query responses have resulted in published quotes.  So you'll likely need to go through a good bit of rejection before you finally get an interview or a quote published.

So be sure to check out today, and get started!

Guess my secret weapon isn’t so secret anymore.

Have you been interviewed for web, print, TV, radio, or podcast? Share your links to your media interviews in the comments below

If you want the nitty gritty about how I use HARO to land top-tier media interviews, check out my 90-minute PR webinar for tips on how to share your passions and expertise with a broader audience.

Image (c) (4705025)

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What The Heck Is Social Collaboration?

New trends in PR encourage online collaboration. Embracing new platforms can help therapists build professional presence and grow their private practice.

I recently attended an amazing conference in Park City, Utah called "Evo '12" The Evolution of Women in Social Media Conference. What's a shrink doing at a social media conference? In addition to being a therapist, I am a self-professed social media junkie and tech geek. So there.

A conference highlight was a workshop called "The Evolution of PR: A Culture of Collaboration, Connection and Community" taught by PR guru Sarah Evans and search technology innovator Jennifer Gosse. Both presenters work with a new social collaboration platform called Tracky (which you'll be hearing more about in an upcoming posts as I get more familiar with it). There was so much good technology and PR information that I couldn't take it all in or write it all down. I didn't want to miss anything so, I turned to social collaboration.

What is social collaboration?

At this point you may be asking "what is social collaboration?" Social collaboration involves processes that allow people to interact, work together, problem solve and exchange information online.

How can social collaboration help private practitioners?

In short, online social collaboration is a way to raise the visibility of your practice by producing more content through compiling and curating information. It's a way to engage your online social media followers, and also a method of gathering and sharing information with other like-minded professionals. Another use for therapists is in collaborating on notes from conferences and workshops as you'll see later on in this post.

An example of social collaboration: Storify

Storify is an easy to use online platform that allows anyone to tell a story through curating online articles, links, photos, and social media posts.

After attending the PR workshop my head was buzzing with new tips and tools. Why not try out social collaboration to document and share the stuff buzzing in my head? I logged in to Storify.  In about 15 minutes I had curated my favorite tweets, posts, photos, tips, tricks, and notes from many social media platforms posted by workshop participants and published a story on Storify.

I've embedded the story below so you can get a feel for what a rich experience social collaboration can be. Also, in addition to noticing the collaborative format of Storify, check out the content and the creators I've included. Notice that throughout this story I'm also sharing  the names and profiles of many who attended the workshop - social collaboration also means free PR.

[View the story "Evolution of PR: Building A Collaborative Culture " on Storify] How cool is that? Did you also notice that every element within the Storify article is easily sharable on social media? And you can post a comment right in the story. Try it out. That's the fun of social collaboration - synergy of ideas and energy. I love it.

Here are some possible ways you can use Storify in your practice:

  • Create stories relating to new research in your specialty areas
  • Curate current news topics that relate to your practice areas
  • Collect favorite quotes
  • Compile links for interviews you've participated in
  • Embed Storify articles in blog posts on your practice site

The possibilities for shareable content creation are endless through social collaboration.

Later this week we'll do a social collaboration exercise together. You in? Be thinking about your favorite mobile apps for your practice so you can jump in and share your thoughts!

Therapist Media Cheat Sheet: Building Your Practice Through TV Interviews

If you got an email today from a local news station asking to interview you as an expert on camera about one of your specialty areas for a news story, how would you respond? Surprisingly, many therapists let the opportunity to speak on camera for a large audience pass them by because of their own anxieties and insecurities about being on camera. Landing interviews on local news and talk shows allows thousands of people "get to know you," hear about your areas of expertise, and become aware of your private practice.

In my experience, the most effective marketing and public relations opportunities for my private practice are the ones I don't have to pay for, where someone else is featuring me as an expert, where I can reach thousands and thousands of people in one shot with accurate information, and where I can let them know that I am in private practice. Several years ago I decided I wanted to not just accept invitations to interview on TV but to actively seek them out and gain media experience. Over the past few years I've become a regular contributor on Utahs #1 women's lifestyle show KSL TV's Studio 5, as well as being interviewed frequently for various news stories. Here are a few things I've learned in the process to help you land local TV interviews in your area in order to educate your community and to draw potential clients to your private practice.

1) Know what's 'newsworthy'

When pitching stories or interview topics to local TV stations it's crucial to know what they're looking for. The fact that you're going into private practice specializing in family therapy isn't newsworthy, but news and other TV shows might be interested in getting your thoughts on a new study showing how cultivating self-compassion helps individuals manage divorce. Last week I was invited to share my thoughts on KSL TV evening news on the topic of interest to families - "Can a playground be too safe?" This story was prompted by a recent story published in the New York Times. defines a story as newsworthy if it has the following characteristics:

Timing - News is all about stories that are current and new. Significance - Something that affects large numbers of people. Proximity - An event happening close to home. Prominence - Involves someone famous or well-known. Human Interest - Appeals to emotion, novel, off-beat, interesting.

  • Watch national news headlines. Pitch a local spin on those stories to local TV producers.
  • Suggest seasonal topics. Pitch interviews around managing holiday stress, or Halloween safety tips for children in October.
  • New research is "news." Keep an eye out for interesting research that's relevant to your practice and offer to interview.

2) Know how to write a press release

When pitching to media you need to speak their language, which means learning how to write a press release.

3) Know how to make their job easier

TV reporters, producers, and journalists are extremely busy and always on a deadline. They don't have time to calm your anxiety or to walk you through the interview process.

  • Respond ASAP to interview requests. If you get contacted by your local media respond immediately or the opportunity will pass you by. Decide ahead that you'll say "yes."
  • Send only relevant information. Highlight the most important information you'd like to talk about and a brief line or two about you and your practice or your basic message (remember my elevator speech posts?). Through a brief stint as a producer and host of a local lifestyle TV show I learned what makes a good and a difficult interviewee. One of the hardest parts of screening potential guests was skimming through too much information hunting for the relevant points.
  • Limit your correspondence. Respect the reporter, journalist or producers time. Though getting a TV interview might be a big deal for us, as the therapist, it's just one of many details they are trying to juggle.
  • Do your homework. Understand the demographic for a given newscast or TV show so you can pitch relevant and helpful topics.

In upcoming articles I'll give tips on how to look and sound good on camera, how to maximize your TV interviews to draw potential clients to your practice, and tips to turn a one time TV appearance into a regular gig.

Have you been on local TV? I'd love to hear about your experience. How did it go? What do you wish you'd known beforehand? If you have any questions for me feel free to comment below or ask me on Twitter @Julie_Hanks or contact me directly here.