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HARO: My Secret Weapon to Landing Media Interviews

HARO My Secret Weapon to Landing Media InterviewsMedia interviews are a great way to share your passions and spread the word about your practice. 

They can connect you with other professionals in the field, get your name out there to potentially attract more clients, and can often give you an additional source of income.  But how exactly do you land those media interviews?  How do you get the word out that you have expertise that you want to share with an audience?

I have a secret weapon that has opened many doors for me, including media interviews with The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Cosmopolitan, Woman's Day, Fox News, Health, and dozens of other top-tier publications, without paying for an agent or PR representative. Here's the full list of my recent media interviews. The weapon? (otherwise known as HARO)

What HARO?

HARO is an excellent free tool where reporters or journalists can go and make inquiries about what professionals they can connect with in order to cite in their publications.  In other words, they are looking for experts in a certain field.  You might be exactly who they are looking for!  HARO is used by hundreds of news outlets, including very well-known ones such as Huffington Post, ABC, and DowJones.

How Does HARO Work?

As a potential source, you register through their website.  After signing in, you’ll receive 3 emails a day that match the keyword references on your profile (where you entered your areas of expertise).  If it looks like a good match, you respond and get the ball rolling.  Be sure to reply quickly; these opportunities go fast!

What Results Can You Expect?

While HARO can be a great way to get exposure and land those interviews, don’t expect the offers to come rolling in right away.  It can take a while to get responses. You will have to be persistent and patient in order for things to pay off.  In the past few years since using HARO, roughly 20% of my query responses have resulted in published quotes.  So you'll likely need to go through a good bit of rejection before you finally get an interview or a quote published.

So be sure to check out today, and get started!

Guess my secret weapon isn’t so secret anymore.

Have you been interviewed for web, print, TV, radio, or podcast? Share your links to your media interviews in the comments below

If you want the nitty gritty about how I use HARO to land top-tier media interviews, check out my 90-minute PR webinar for tips on how to share your passions and expertise with a broader audience.

Image (c) (4705025)

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Therapist Roll Call: Can We Peek Inside Your Office, Please?

53/365 Sneak a peekThe physical "space" you work  in says a lot about you. Does your office space appeal to your ideal client? Does it speak about your tastes and preferences? Would you be willing to give other shrinks a tour of your office? Why or why not? Every time a new client comes into my office they comment on my denim couch. It feels cozy and casual, which is how I want my clients to feel when they're in my office. The color scheme of the office decor coincides with our logo and website colors...and that's no accident.

I thought it would be fun to peek into the offices of private practitioners to share ideas and get inspiration. So, if you're willing to let the world (or the readers of this blog) see YOUR office space follow these simple step.

  1. Take a brief video tour of your waiting area and office (2 minutes or less). You can do this with your iPhone or camera phone.
  2. In the video please introduce yourself and tell us what you love about your office space.
  3. Upload your video to your Youtube channel and set it as "unlisted." If you don't have a Youtube channel, it's time you set one up.
  4. Title your video "Office Tour: [your practice name]"
  5. Email me the video link here. Include in the email your name, location, practice name, website link.

I'll feature different office videos in upcoming blog posts with your practice name and website link (this is a free PR opp for your practice & a good excuse to set up a Youtube channel). You'll also be able to embed this video on your own website so potential clients can see inside your office before they meet with you.

Ready, set, go...

Here's a peek into my therapy office Wasatch Family Therapy. I hired a professional to shoot and edit this. Don't worry - your video doesn't have to have music and slick editing :)

Creative Commons License photo credit: The Suss-Man (Mike)