Julie Hanks

Multiple Income Stream Success Story #2: Consulting

Multiple Income Streams Success Stories(4)We are continuing our Success Stories of multiple income streams using the six areas I’ve previously highlighted: supervising, consulting, teaching, publishing, speaking, and writing. Today we’re looking at number two on this list, Consulting. There are many ways a private practitioner can offer their knowledge for consulting purposes. These include: consulting with professionals, mental health agencies, corporate trainings, media contributing, and forensic consulting.

This success story is my own.

I love helping therapists create a practice that is energizing, fun, and profitable. After I had been in private practice for about 7 years and had grown from a solo to a private clinic, other private practitioners started asking me to share how I developed a clinic that didn’t rely on managed care, how to build a social media presence, and how to land media interviews. I started this blog Private Practice Toolbox on PsychCentral.com in July 2011 and started presenting on practice building strategies and began a consulting business Julie Hanks, LLC.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you'd like to add consulting as an additional income stream:

1) In what areas are other mental health professionals asking me for feedback, training, and information?

2) List 3 areas of expertise and professional passions. Which businesses, groups, or individuals people are looking for information related to my specialty area?

3) Which topics are you constantly researching, reading, and talking about simply because you enjoy learning more?

My hope is that these questions prompt you to brainstorm some ways that you could incorporate consulting into your professional life. If you are currently providing consulting, please let me know about it by posting about your consulting services! Feel free to add a link, too.

To learn more about my private practice consulting services visit PrivatePracticeToolbox.net

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Adventures in Private Practice: Weight Management Counselor Michelle Lewis, LCSW

Screen shot 2015-01-26 at 9.14.14 PMThis series highlights the successful private practitioners' journey in private practice so you can learn from their successes and missteps. One of the unexpected benefits of writing this blog is that I've been able to meet and connect with practitioners around the globe. The therapist featured today actually is not on the other side of the world, but is in the same city, and practices only a few blocks away from my practice. Michelle Lewis, LCSW and I worked together for one consultation and since then, I've been able to watch her really dig in, focus on her niche, and develop a successful practice. She is not only a great practice owner, but is a compassionate person and passionate about her work. Get to know Michelle.

Tell me about your practice…   

I own a group practice called Salt Lake Weight Counseling. We specialize in helping clients identify and overcome emotional barriers to weight management. We specifically target emotional eating, food addiction, body image, and patterns of self-sabotage. Working with these issues, we also treat a significant amount of trauma. By addressing the trauma, we are able to help  clients heal their relationship with food and end the war with their body.

Why did you decide to open a private practice?

I worked in a residential treatment with adolescents for many years, and the stress really started burning me out, so I took a job in a corporate wellness program through an insurance company. They hired me to work with members to identify emotional barriers related to their health goals. I worked with a lot of clients who struggled with self-sabotage in weight loss. They would yo-yo up and down with the same 10, 20, or 50 pounds over and over again and could not figure out why this happened. I started using my training as an addictions counselor and helped those clients experience success that they had never seen prior. During this time, I had started building a part-time private practice. I wasn't sure if full-time private practice was for me, but as I developed my specialty, I found myself more and more drawn to the idea. Once I took the leap, I really looked forward to my time in my own office and loved the passion that came with my work. I also loved having total control over my schedule and the clients I was working with. Since moving from my full-time corporate job to full-time private practice, the passion and excitement around my work has continued to grow. I love the energy that comes with developing an expertise and working with your ideal client every day!

Clients that therapists find to be the most “difficult” are sometimes the ones who can teach them the most. What have you learned from your toughest clients?

My toughest clients challenge me to be a better therapist. It is easy to get stuck in a rut when you find a formula that works well. When I find clients who struggle to heal, it forces me to try new methods and educate myself on new skills. It actually revives the passion I feel about this work!

What’s your biggest pet peeve about private practice?

Handling money. I think the cliché about therapists being allergic to money is so true! The greatest thing about working for someone else is not having to ask anyone for money. I hate having to follow up with people who have overdue bills, so we started keeping a credit card to avoid the hassle. That has made life so much easier!

How did you discover or develop your practice “niche”?

I am passionate about health and wellness in general. I am an avid cyclist and hiker, so when I found my job through the insurance company's wellness program, I jumped at the chance. It felt like it was what I was made to do. For the first time, I really felt connected to my work in a meaningful way.

What resource (book, website, person) helped you the most when setting up your private practice?

Honestly, you helped me the most, Julie. I set up one consultation session, and you helped me clarify my goals and direct my marketing to my ideal client. My practice really took off after that session.

What has surprised you most about being in private practice?

How rewarding it is! I have had jobs that felt rewarding, but this has taken my work to a whole new level. When I started thinking about private practice, I saw it as a way to work less and make more. This is true, but it goes beyond the financial benefits. This isn't just my career, it is my calling. I think having control over what I do and how I do it has helped me expand my horizons beyond what I thought was possible.

Has your private practice helped you grow professionally?

It forces me to stay on top of my game by constantly exploring new skills and techniques. I am always reading and attending trainings beyond the required number of CEUs. I love learning as much as possible to help my clients heal.

Has it helped you grow personally, too?

It helps me live the life I want. It gives me flexibility to travel, hike, bike, and engage in other activities that keep me balanced and energized.

Being a therapist can be emotionally exhausting. What do you do to care for your own emotions and psychological health?

Spending time with friends, my husband, and my dog are key. When I am having a stressful day, my favorite activity is walking my dog while I listen to an audiobook.

How do you cope with the inevitable stressors involved with being your own boss?

Self-care is key. By taking care of my physical and emotional health consistently, the stressors aren't as powerful. I try to be solution-minded. Instead of getting caught up in the stress, I try to come up with a game plan and then identify potential pitfalls in the future.

What personal strengths have helped you succeed in private practice?

Organizational skills are key! You have to know who's on first at all times! Also, dedication and determination are so important. I feel a dedication to my clients and work tirelessly to help them achieve their goals. I am also determined when it comes to my business. I am consistently looking for ways to improve the work we do.

To learn more about Michelle's practice, visit www.SLWeightCounseling.com.

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Therapist Blog Challenge #15: Parenting Tips

challenge_15 It's been a few weeks since our last Therapist Blog Challenge, but I'm ready to hit the ground running again if you are!

Therapist blog challenge #15 focuses on parenting defiant young children. This is something that every parent has experienced, and you as a professional may be able to provide some insight on this topic. Use the following format as a guide for how to best structure your blog post.

[Headline] Come up with a catchy title for your blog post. You may write your own or use one of the following:

How to Survive When Your Toddler's Driving You Crazy!

5 Steps to Make it Through the Terrible Twos

Keeping Your Cool With a Defiant Child

[Strong Intro] Lay out the topic with a little more detail and introduce your reader to your main points. Here's an example:

It's only 10 am, and your 2-year-old has already suffered a major meltdown. You were warned that the toddler years were tough, but you never expected anything like this! Here are 5 ways to survive with a defiant toddler.

[Scanable Content] This is the real meat of your blog post. Make sure to format your content in a way that is easy on the eyes by breaking it up into sections instead of just writing one long paragraph. Be sure to flesh out the details under each sub-topic.

1) Don’t lose control

Write a short paragraph about why it's important for a parent to stay in control. This may include explaining how a situation can escalate if an adult gets angry and how a child is more likely to respond positively to a parent who is calm.

2) Don't lose focus on who is responsible

Write a short paragraph about how parents need to remember that they are the ones responsible for helping their toddler. True, they cannot force a child to stop crying or acting out, but the parents are the adults and ultimately have the responsibility to improve the situation.

3) Pay attention to the positive

Now, write about ways that parents can recognize the good, even when a toddler has a meltdown. Has the child gotten a bit better since the last outburst?  Has a parent improved in becoming more patient or more firm in his/her approach? Write how there is something positive to be gleaned even from difficult situations with defiant toddlers.

4) Don’t assume the worst 

Write about ways in which a parent can remember that even the most difficult toddler doesn't have bad intentions. It's easy to become overwhelmed with stress and frustration, but parents should remember how young these children are. Remind your readers that defiant toddlers are still developing and are certainly not trying to cause trouble.

5) Set limits for your defiant child

Explain why setting limits for a child's behavior is crucial. Elaborate on how limits help your child learn consequences, how they can be appropriate punishment, and how limits can help a parent put an end to a tantrum.

[Strong Ending Paragraph] Here's where you wrap it up. Just one short paragraph to briefly summarize your main points will do. You may want to close with a question, such as "How have YOU best dealt with a defiant toddler?"

That's it. Now, get to writing!

Here are a few additional reminders about the blog challenge:

  • Write and post your blog article in the next 2 weeks. If you miss the deadline or you read this article months later, that’s OK too.
  • Post a link for this blog challenge in the comment section of this blog post.
  • Read, comment, and share other therapist’s articles.
  • Tweet your post using hashtag #therapistblog and tag @julie_hanks so I can retweet it.
  • Pin it on the challenge Pinterest Board. I’ve invited everyone who posted a comment on the initial blog challenge post as collaborators so you can pin onto the group board.
  • Spread the word and invite mental health colleagues to join the challenge. Articles can be added anytime throughout the year.
  • Write no more than 600 words, make it easy to read, use a conversational tone, and gear your articles toward your ideal client (not other professionals).
  • The goal of a professional blog is to provide value to your website visitors, help them get to know your professional perspective, increase traffic to your private practice website, and build your practice.

Here's a list of previous blog challenges.  Feel free to revisit!

8 Steps to Launching or Relaunching a Psychotherapy Practice

Launch (3)In this guest post, Miranda Palmer LMFT and Kelly Higdon share eight ways to thrive in the current private practice climate. The process of building a successful private practice has changed considerably over the last twenty years. Most therapists we speak with who have been in practice for a few decades started by getting their credentials from an insurance companies. Reimbursement rates were relatively high for the cost of living from the 80s into the early 90s. Things flowed. Maybe they had a listing in the phone book, but back then there was no need for websites, Facebook pages, or Twitter accounts!

Fast forward to now: the financial picture for therapists in private practice has drastically changed, as we are in a time of low or stagnate reimbursement rates combined with an increase in cost of doing business and living.

The old model is simply that, old. It doesn’t work for today, and thus we find experienced therapists with a full practice that isn’t profitable enough to prepare for retirement, and new therapists often feel lost when they ask their mentors for direction and get answers that don’t resonate with the current economy.

We want to simplify the steps required for launching and successfully running a private practice in 2014. Whether you are starting out fresh, have moved to a new city, or need to make some significant changes in your business foundation, these steps will help you get things on track!

1) Develop a clear vision of your life

We tell our clients to do this regularly. We help them reassess and ask them to be accountable for the choices they make that lead them toward or away from that vision becoming a reality. This is your road map. When you begin with a plan for your life, your business can be formed to support that plan. So before you come up with an awesome group therapy curriculum or some other great idea, write down a super clear vision for your work AND home life.

2) Take that vision and break it down into pieces

Having a simple vision, with no basis in reality, can be difficult. How much money do you need to make that vision come to life? What would it take for you to go home at that time each day? Are you preparing for quarterly taxes? Are you realistic about how many clients you can see regularly while avoiding burnout? Are you leaving time for networking and marketing your practice? Leaving time for going to trainings? For being sick? Are you leaving enough time to return client phone calls and be available for crisis situations?

This is where people can get stuck in magical math. If I see 20 clients at $100/hr, that is $2,000 per week for 50 weeks – that’s six figures! YET there are expenses, taxes, real life stuff that happens. Be honest with your capabilities and your needs. Also, be open to the idea of reaching your goals in different ways. You might discover that face-to-face sessions is only a part of the plan. Now go crunch numbers, write down the schedule, and look at the specific pieces that are needed to fully form your vision.

3) Develop a business plan based on your vision and those realistic pieces

Every therapist in private practice needs a written business plan. He/she must know exactly how the fee was developed, how many sliding or pro bono slots there are, how much money is put toward retirement, etc. There is also a bit of research to be done here. Surprised? Sure, people need mental health services, but who and where are they, and what are the holes in the market in your area? Have a clear idea of who you want serve and how you plan to serve them. Write it down; be accountable to yourself.

4) Develop a sustainable plan to let your community know who you are

Notice I didn’t say develop a sustainable plan to let people know your business exists. People decide to work with therapists they know, like, and trust. Being authentic in how you present your private practice to the public doesn’t have to mean complete self-disclosure. Maintain professional boundaries, but don’t be afraid to let your personality shine!

The beauty of our current world is that people can advocate for themselves by choosing a provider who they believe is prepared to help them heal. If a potential client doesn’t get a chance to hear your “voice” and how you practice, how can he/she determine if you are a good fit? How hard is it for you to choose a therapist for yourself? Can you imagine how much more difficult it would be without an advanced degree and a deep knowledge of psychological theory?  Make sure to clearly communicate what unique things you can offer as a therapist.

Be aware of your insecurities and how you demonstrate those to the world. Now is the time to believe in yourself and honestly take stock in what you bring to the table. It is not prideful to share your craft with others. It is necessary in order to build relationships and instill hope in members of your community.

5) Develop and maintain clear business boundaries

Your business is your service to your clients. You may think that the things you are doing on a daily basis are serving your clients, but you need to be honest with yourself. If your business is struggling, it will impact your clinical work. What would happen if your clients talked to one another? Do more assertive clients pay a different fee than passive clients? Do clients with poor money management skills pay less than a client who has better budgeting skills?

Stick to your plan. Go back, and if you start to waver, remember #1 – why you are doing this in the first place? What is the life you are seeking to create? Who are the clients you are seeking to transform? When you break those boundaries, you are holding yourself back from the dreams you have for yourself and from helping your community in a profound way.

6) Streamline your business processes

The best way to do great clinical work is to free yourself up to do great clinical work. Whether this means transitioning to a paperless office to reduce late cancellations or no shows and decrease unpaid balances, or outsourcing your insurance billing so you never have to sit on hold with insurance companies again, find a way to make the business process work efficiently. If you feel like you can’t afford to streamline your process, you need to look at return on investment and/or whether you have set a fee that fully integrates business and overhead costs.

7) Streamline your marketing process

It takes more energy to start from a stopped position. The start of launching or re-launching your practice takes a LOT of energy, gusto, and enthusiasm. Know that it won’t always be as hard as it is in the beginning. Watch what works for growing your practice most effortlessly, and make a way to continue the bare minimum even when you are full with clients to keep things flowing. Maybe that is blogging once a month, speaking a few times a year, or monthly lunch dates with new contacts in your area. If you don’t have time to do some minimal tasks to keep things moving, you need to reassess if you are being honest with yourself about the time it takes to run a business.

Your marketing must align with who you are and your core values. If you don’t want to write a blog, don’t. If you don’t want to speak, don’t. BUT, do something and analyze if it works. If it isn’t working, then tweak it until it works, or let it go and move on to other options. Just because your neighbor gets referrals from Psychology Today doesn’t mean that is what YOU should do. You must only do what is best for your business, not necessarily what is best for others.

8) Celebrate your accomplishments!

Be good to yourself; kind to yourself. There is a lot to learn when starting a private practice. Know that everyone has a learning curve, and seek out a supportive community. However, no matter how awesome your community is, you will be struggling to stay energized and enjoy private practice if you are being unkind to you. Start from the inside out! And don’t be afraid to celebrate all the great accomplishments you’ve made in your private practice.

Miranda PalmerMiranda Palmer is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapists who is passionate about teaching and empowering other static.squarespaceclinical counselors to successfully run a private practice. Visit her site www.zynnyme.com to learn more. 

Kelly Higdon wants to make a difference by sharing her expertise to help clients and business owners reach their full potential. Check out her Business School Bootcamp to learn more.   


Get practice tips and blog updates in your inbox. Sign up for the Private Practice Toolbox Newsletter here.

Join my Private Practice Toolbox Facebook group and connect with nearly 2000 therapists around the globe in 2 simple steps: 1) Click request to join the group & 2) Fill out this brief questionnaire before you'll be added to the group.

Need help blogging? Join my ongoing therapist blog challenge!

Therapist Blog Challenge #14: Feedback in Romantic Relationships


Therapist Blog Challenge #14Therapist blog challenge #14 topic focuses on when to ask for and to consider feedback about a significant other.

[Headline] Come up with a catchy title for your blog post.  Here are a few examples:

Dating & the Peanut Gallery: What Other People Say About Your Love Life

Tough Critics: What they Really Think About Your Significant Other

To Ask or Not To Ask: Should You Talk to Your Friends About Your Romantic Partner?

[Strong Intro] Lay out the topic with a little more detail.  Below is an example.

Should you ask your friends if they like your romantic partner? Should you listen to what they say? What are the pros and cons of getting feedback about your relationships?

Dating relationships can bring complex dynamics:  Both parties have family and friends involved in their life who care about their well-being.  But things can get tricky when that extends into romantic relationships.   Here are things to consider when talking to other people  about a romantic partner.

 [Scanable Content]

Break your content into smaller, readable sections with a clear sub-heading.  For this example, we'll lay out Do's and Don'ts when it comes to asking for and giving relationship feedback/ advice.

When should you ask for feedback?

Write about times when it might be appropriate for person in a relationship to ask for the opinions of other people.  Maybe they want an outside perspective of how the relationships looks to others.

When should you not ask for feedback?

Write a short paragraph about when a person shouldn't ask for advice.  This might include breaking the confidence of the romantic partner or discussing very personal, intimate details of the relationship.

When should you listen to feedback?

Now, write to a paragraph about when one should seriously consider loved one's feedback about a significant other. For example, if several loved ones share similar warning signs those should be taken into consideration. Or if "He/she is a great fit for you."

When should you not listen to feedback?

Write a paragraph about when a person should refrain from trusting loved one's feedback about their romantic partner. You could explore who's feedback you should not take into consideration, and what types of feedback you should dismiss. For example, it's never a good idea to listen to superficial concerns about someone's looks or chosen profession.

[Strong ending paragraph] The final paragraph wraps up your post and can include a summary of important points, additional resources, and a call to action, such as "Call today for a therapy consultation."

That's all folks. Get going.

Here are a few additional reminders about the blog challenge:

  • Write and post your blog article in the next 2 weeks. If you miss the deadline or you read this article months later, that’s OK too.
  • Post a link for this blog challenge in the comment section of this blog post.
  • Read, comment, and share other therapist’s articles.
  • Tweet your post using hashtag #therapistblog and tag @julie_hanks so I can retweet it.
  • Pin it on the challenge Pinterest Board. I’ve invited everyone who posted a comment on the initial blog challenge post as collaborators so you can pin onto the group board.
  • Spread the word and invite mental health colleagues to join the challenge. Articles can be added anytime throughout the year.
  • Write no more than 600 words, make it easy to read, use a conversational tone, and gear your articles toward your ideal client (not other professionals).
  • The goal of a professional blog is to provide value to your website visitors, help them get to know your professional perspective, increase traffic to your private practice website, and build your practice.

Here's a list of previous blog challenges. Jump in anytime!