
Multiple Income Streams Success Story #1: Supervision

Multiple Income Streams Success Stories(1)In the past, I've written about increasing revenue using multiple forms of income (income not related to direct client hours). I offered five key questions to find areas where you might be able to enjoy adding some extra income to your private practice. In this series, I want to share the successes of private practitioners who have used these concepts to find areas that not only increase their income, but help reach their ideal clients and also fuel their passions. Amy Tatsumi, MA, LPC, found that she could garner additional income and give back to the psychotherapy community by providing supervision to others training in her field. Amy estimates that 25-30% of her income comes from supervision and consultation services.

amy_profile-2-427x640-198x300“I believe that supervision and consultation are the biggest ways that I can give back as a therapist. Supporting clinicians in their journey to become sound, connected, and grounded psychotherapists has a powerful ripple effect. The supervisee, as well as all of their future clients, are impacted by the supervision process in their growth and development. In my private practice, I offer both individual and group clinical supervision and consultation for post graduate candidates and post license and seasoned practitioners in art therapy, counseling, and psychotherapy.”

To learn more about Amy and her services, visit 

You might find that the fee you can charge for supervision is similar to your hourly clinical rate. I recommend researching what the standard rates are for supervisors in your area. Be sure that you are meeting all the qualifications for supervising a particular discipline as requirements differ depending on the field (social work, professional counseling, psychology, marriage & family therapy) and on in which state you practice. It is common that supervisors meet requirements for a minimum number of years of licensure or have specialized training as a supervisor. It's also important to research and understand which groups of trainees you should or should not supervise.

Income from supervision can be accomplished in a few ways. I have found in my own practice that hiring interns to meet with clients has been a successful way of creating additional income for the practice. It allows your practice to see more clients than only having one provider. You can also provide direct supervision to clinicians from other agencies. There are many times when clinicians may not have access to the type  of supervisor necessary to meet the licensing requirements. They must then seek someone who can provide that. You can also provide supervision for other agencies themselves. Agencies may find that they have a need for someone to supervise employees for similar reasons that clinicians may seed outside supervision. Creating a relationship with an agency for supervision could be a consistent income stream. Consider all your options, then implement the style that works best for you.

If supervision isn't the income source you're looking for, don't worry; I'll be sharing other success stories and ideas for multiple avenues for revenue. I'd love to hear from you about areas where you have found the opportunity to generate income and, hopefully, some excitement for you.

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Therapist Turned Entrepreneur: Howard Spector, Founder and CEO of SimplePractice

I'm excited to introduce you to the kick off of a new series: Therapist Turned Entrepreneur and introduce to you a mental health professional who transformed his training into creating mental health related businesses. Howard Spector is a therapist turned entrepreneur and is the creator of and more recently, SimplePractice management system. Here is his story:

Tell us about your background (college experience and degree, career beginnings, etc.). 

Wow, big question. I’ve had a number of careers as I tried to find the one that really fit. I attended USC for undergrad, and then after some years working in the entertainment industry found myself in Palo Alto while my wife was doing her medical residency at Stanford. I was always a bit of a technology geek and really connected with what was happening in Silicon Valley. We eventually ended up back in Los Angeles where I had some success with a number of technology companies. Then one day, I realized how disconnected I felt from the work I was doing and decided that I needed to reconnect with what was important to me, and also that a major career change was part of that. There was a particular school, Pacifica Graduate Institute, that I had always wanted to attend. Pacifica has a unique program where you basically live there for 3 days a month and are immersed in this wonderfully rich world of depth psychology. When I began school there, it felt like coming home. It was one of the most important experiences in my life, and I am very grateful for it.

With your business savvy and drive, you could have gone in many different directions. Why did you decide to apply your expertise to the mental health profession?

After graduating from Pacifica, I was doing my internship in California, and the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) has very confusing rules for how you need to accrue, track, and report your 3000 hours of clinical experience. After fumbling around with a complex spreadsheet, I realized that this whole process would be better served by a web-based product. So I developed a product called TrackYourHours. It had all the BBS rules and forms built in, and it turned into a very sophisticated piece of software that was simple to use. It caught on quickly, and thousands and thousands of pre-license clinicians now use it. So that was where the entrepreneur in me really kicked in - I saw a need and filled it.

How did you come to develop the management system SimplePractice

I was getting close to completing my 3000 hours of training and started to look at practice management products to find one I would want to use. To be honest, I was very unimpressed by what was out there. Products were either outdated and just horrific to look at or too complex for me. I wanted something simple and intuitive. So I decided to build my own.

3bedc89You’ve had tremendous success with your product. Explain some specific things you’ve been able to achieve with SimplePractice.

The most important thing for me is that our customers love our product for the reasons we set out to achieve - it’s simple and intuitive. I am also very proud of our team. We work insane hours to make sure we are adding the necessary features to our product so we can fulfill our promise to our customers. We are able to innovate very efficiently and are able to build out our product in ways that keeps new features well integrated and intuitive, as opposed to just slapping things on top of one another.

One of your main messages is the idea of “counselor as entrepreneur.” Why is it important for solo health practitioners to think of themselves as entrepreneurs? What are some ways that they can get into that mindset?

I don’t think this is limited to solo practitioners; it applies to anyone in any setting. I think the message that “you are an entrepreneur” provides the necessary reframe for this community. Being called to this special work is a gift, but that doesn’t mean this melding of art and science is not a business. It is very much a business, and one cannot survive and thrive by ignoring that. I want these health and wellness practitioners to embrace the business part of their practice and understand that as an entrepreneur/small business owner, there are things they can do to have greater success - and that that's ok.

One of our interests here at Private Practice Toolbox is helping counselors generate income in ways other than seeing clients. We’ve talked about speaking, writing, and teaching, but as of yet haven’t discussed software creation and development. Is there any specific advice or insight you can offer to tech-savvy clinicians thinking of venturing into that realm? 

The first thing that comes to mind is that developing software is a lot harder than it looks. There is so much detail work that has to be attended to, and there is no gray area; software is black and white. There are so many use cases for something as seemingly simple as recovering a lost password. For example, do you click on a ‘forgot password’ link and then send the user to a page to enter some information - what information? What if the user enters it wrong? Is there an error message? Where? What does it say? The list goes on…and on…and on.

I don't say this to be discouraging. I say it because based on my experience talking with customers, most don’t realize the work it takes to develop even mediocre software. So my advice is this: If you have an idea, by all means, pursue it. If it’s software-related, then find someone to work with who has experience developing software. And be prepared to spend money on good developers and designers. My mom has this great saying: “Cheap is expensive.” When it comes to developing software, especially software in the health market where there are significant security requirements needed to protect patient health information, don’t be cheap.

To recap: Follow your dreams and passions, and if that happens to be developing software, then understand the costs of time and money it takes to develop something valuable.

Not only do you have an innovative software program, but through your company blog, you are also involved in educating clinicians on how to best run their practice from a business standpoint. Why is it important for you to share your wisdom and skills?

Because I am incredibly passionate about this work. I have some insights into this field because I trained as a clinician, and I want this community to embrace the business side of their practice. The services clinicians provide are invaluable, and they should be well compensated for all the time they put into getting educated and trained. The more they think of themselves as entrepreneurs, and the more they can see the parallel between other industries and theirs, the more it will help them. I think I have more to offer than just a great software product, and if I can help clinicians, even ones that don't use SimplePractice, then that is awesome.

Howard SpectorHoward Spector is the CEO and Founder of SimplePractice. He has years of experience creating and developing technology companies and was the creator of He has a MA in Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and a BA from he University of Southern California. 
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Top 10 Websites for Building Your Private Practice

Top 10 Websites
Top 10 Websites

Like any worthwhile endeavor, building a successful private practice takes a lot of work, time, and know-how. So why not consult the experts? Here's a list of 10 of the best websites (listed in no particular order) to help you do just that:

1) Zur Institute

Drawing from his 20+ years of experience, Dr. Ofer Zur gives insight on virtually all aspects of the field of psychotherapy and the mental health profession, including practice building and continuing education. He offers practical resources on such topics as using a newsletter for marketing and how to deal with collections agencies. Many of Dr. Zur's publications and packages have a set price, but he does give some free articles and videos.

2) Private Practice From the Inside Out

Tamara G. Suttle, M.Ed., LPC has run a private clinical practice since 1991 and wants to share her secrets to success. She includes tips on blogging, how to build your website, and marketing your practice. Her site is very interactive, as you can submit your own questions and also have the potential to contribute a guest post.

3) Practice of the Practice

Joe Sanock, MA, LLP, LPC, NCC, is committed to making counselors awesome by sharing the business and social media info that he's acquired in his years of private practice. He covers a wide variety of topics, such as how to use Wordpress and Bluehost to build your own site, finding your niche as a therapist, and how to use Google Keyword Planner to rank higher in search engines. Joe also runs a very successful podcast where he discusses even more tricks of the trade. He even discloses his monthly income report and shows exactly how he has managed to increase his earnings through his side professional activities.

4) Zynny Me

Miranda Palmer, LMFT and Kelly Higdon, LMFT are no-nonsense experts in all things private practice! Become part of their Business Bootcamp, where a community of clinicians offer their experience and support to help each other (re)examine beliefs concerning money and private ownership, create a business vision, and build a sturdy foundation to grow into a thriving psychotherapy practice!

5) Get Down to Business Consulting

Cathy Hanville, LCSW knows that being a great psychotherapist is not enough, and she offers consulting to help you take your business to the next level. By reviewing your social media campaign, helping you streamline your billing procedures to make them more efficient, and helping you get started with blogging, Cathy can guide you on how to market and manage your practice to expand your outreach and create a robust practice.

6) The Counselor Entrepreneur

When Camille McDaniel, LPC, CPCS first started out in private practice, she worked long hours without a clear vision of her own. Once she educated herself on marketing, business skills, and how to develop multiple income streams, she was able to have more creative control of her practice and find more fulfillment in her work. Her goal with "The Counselor Entrepreneur" is to help other counselors tap into their own creativity and use it to help others.

7) Be a Wealthy Therapist

Building upon the principles she gives in her book, Casey Truffo spills the beans on all things related to becoming financially well-off as a therapist. She tells how to attract full-fee clients, how to change a negative or inaccurate mindset that hurts your practice, and how to increase your income when you're already capped out with clients.

8) Perfected Practice

Samara Stone, LCSW and founder of The Stone Foundation built her own practice from the ground up. Wanting to help others replicate the success that she herself has had, Samara shares valuable information and tips about the importance of networking with other professionals in the field, how to work hard in building your practice without burning out, and best practices for selecting administrative staff.

9) Heart of Business

Founder Mark Silva understands the dilemma of wanting to make a difference in people's lives but also realistically needing to earn a living. Though not specific to the mental health profession, Heart of Business seeks to help entrepreneurs run their businesses in such a way that they can serve their clients while still meeting their own needs. You can receive small-group coaching for personalized attention and support, or you can subscribe to a free newsletter to get tips and strategies delivered to your inbox.

10) Private Practice Toolbox

This list would be incomplete without the very website you are reading right now! I love the opportunity to share with my tribe the lessons that I have learned since founding my own practice in 2002, but I think the real strength of Private Practice Toolbox is that it's all about you! We crowd-source through social media to generate inquiries, ideas, and input about all things related to private practice. We also highlight and celebrate those who've found success, who then share their secrets with the rest of us.

What blogs/ sites have helped YOU

learn and grow your practice?

(Click herefor a list of top 10 book resources!)

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The Power of Online Presence: Blogger Dawn Friedman uses her Advanced SEO Skills to Rank High in Google

540496_160644944100475_625876816_n Discover how some very successful mental health professionals use blogging, social media, and other technologies as powerful tools for their therapy practices.

Dawn Friedman, MSEd LPC, is a clinical counselor specializing in issues surrounding family building, including infertility, adoption, pregnancy, and parenting. An early adopter of technology, Dawn started a blog that became the basis of her strong online presence and has helped her grow a thriving practice. Read about her story here:

When and how did you first start putting time and effort into maintaining a strong online presence?

Back in 2001, I started a personal blog that I continued for about ten years. In that time, blogging went from a fairly introverted way to journal to a massive (and competitive) industry. Because I had started early, I got to see the field of blogging really take off and learn it as it happened. So when I turned to blogging for a private practice I hadn't opened yet (about a year before I planned to launch), I already had a strong understanding of how blogging and other social media work. 

Starting my professional blog a year before my practice opened gave me time to play around with the design (in WordPress) and think about how to lay it all out. It also gave me the space to find my blogging voice. I wasn't sure how to switch from personal writing to more careful disclosure as a therapist, and it took some time and bumbling around to figure out how to be friendly, open, and myself without giving away so much information that it might overwhelm a potential client. I started out way too impersonal and over time let myself loosen up and have more fun with what I wrote. The advantage, too, of starting a year in advance is that having a living, breathing web site that was already getting some traffic made it much easier to start showing up in local searches once I was ready to launch. The blog was already going, and I just needed to focus on creating the pages that described my services, hosted my paperwork, etc.

Please describe what social platforms you currently use.

I used to do social media consulting on the side back in my personal blogging days. What I told clients was to go and claim your online real estate, which means grab the Twitter handles, the Instagram names, etc. Even if you're not going to use them, you don't want someone else to have them. So technically, I have most of the social platforms, but I don't use them all. Many of them you can keep alive passively (WordPress blogs will automatically post to Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and Facebook if you're using JetPack). Once you have all your accounts lined up, you can figure out which ones make the most sense for you to put more work into.

For me, I put the greatest effort into my blog and website.  I've worked very hard on my search engine optimization (SEO) and am on the front page for most of the local searches that I've targeted. The second place where I put in effort is on my Facebook page. I have a professional page and a personal account. My personal account is on lockdown with the privacy settings but I assume anything posted on the internet could potentially show up on a client's screen, so I bear that in mind when I'm posting. That said, I've found that Facebook is the social media site that will drive the most traffic -- especially local traffic, which is what I want -- to my site. I have my blog automatically post new updates to my professional page, and then I share from my page to my personal account. Since doing this, I've seen an increase in traffic, and more people have liked my page. So overall, I do invest some time into Facebook, but I'd rather spend more energy on my blog. It's a very personal choice, and there's no right way for everybody.

About how much time do you devote to your online presence? How do you balance it with your other work responsibilities?

Back in my journaling days, I would blog daily. Now, if I can post six to eight times a month, I'm pretty happy. I'd like to post more because I really enjoy it, but I just get too busy. Other than putting out new content, I also spend a few hours each month updating my site, playing around with my theme, changing out my front page picture, and looking at my stats to see where I can consolidate pages or tighten up my menu. I keep an eye on the number of hits the different pages get. For example, I realized that the part of my site that people clicked the least amount was "Services," so I turned it into a menu header. This led to an increase in clicks directly to services people are interested in. I also am always tweaking and adding things that might help my search engine optimization, which I think is a lot of fun because it's like a game!

What kinds of things do you use to inspire your content creation; what do you write about?

I usually write about things that tend to come up a lot in sessions. For example, many of the children I see struggle with anxiety, and I get quite a few questions about that subject too, so I wrote a three-part series on child anxiety. I also write about books I've read -- counseling related or not -- share fun music videos, and highlight local events that my potential and current clients might be interested in.

I will add that sharing local resources helps me in several ways: It gives me a writing topic, it allows me to share good information with readers who will welcome it, it lets me to network to get that resource up on my blog, and it improves my local SEO. I mean, it's fun to get readers from all over the world but unless you live within driving distance to my office, you're unlikely to become a client or refer me to someone you know. Sharing local events makes it clear that I want to be a resource for my community here in town, and it's also much more likely to be shared by locals on Twitter or Facebook. Win/win!

Back when I did social media consulting, I'd tell people to share the kinds of things you might find yourself talking about at a dinner party. What interesting, fun anecdotes do you have? What thought provoking things have you come across? Even though things like SEO and header tags are important, sometimes you have to put aside the worry and just write. Find your voice first, and your blog will benefit you even if you don't do all that social media stuff "right." Trust me on this. If people like what you write, they will share it, and that will help your traffic. Also, people who click to you from a directory or a Google search will have the opportunity to get to know you, which will increase the chance that the people who call you will be a good fit for your practice.

Just write!

How do you best balance personal and professional in your online activities? Please give examples.

This was a tricky thing to figure out, and it's something that I still reflect on regularly since I think ethics demand that we always be thoughtful and aware about what we share and how that might impact our clients. I do know that I tend to be more comfortable with disclosure than some therapists, and I think that's a matter of personal style. On the other hand, I've seen therapists share way, way more than I'd be willing to do (And I say this having lots of published essays out there that will give any client with Google the opportunity to learn my kids' names, my political beliefs and my personal philosophies on a whole bunch of things). 

Generally, I've decided that I will share anything on my blog that I might share in a session. For example, I might write about a parenting challenge I've faced personally to illustrate a developmental phase presenting in a client's family because that's something we might talk about together in my office (Note: I always get my kids' permission before posting stories about them). When I want to write about something that might make a client even slightly worry that I'm talking about him/her, I'll write about a fictional character. In the series on anxiety, instead of using a fake Jane Doe, (which might lead a client to think I'm writing about his or her child) I wrote about Goldilocks. This allows me to illustrate ideas without threatening anyone's therapeutic relationship. I've written about Harriet the Spy and Ramona Quimby, too, to talk about kids. Other therapists might like using characters on television shows or movies. Using fictional characters not only protects clients from thinking they're seeing themselves in what you write, it's also a fun way to call out cultural touchstones that speak to you.

What is some tangible evidence that your online presence has grown your business?

I've had many clients come to see me because of something they've read on my blog. Someone will share something I wrote on Facebook, and another person will see it, click through, and see that I'm a therapist and then call me. I've also had people go looking for a therapist and stop to read my blog first. Sometimes people tell me that they've read my blog for several weeks or months before making that leap. Having that updating, ongoing resource made it easier for them to feel safe making the call. Some clients say that they want to see me even though I don't take their insurance because they like what I said about a particular topic or feel like they would be comfortable with me. In other words, they want to see me, not just whatever therapist answers the phone first.

Also my blog and attention to SEO has kept me on the front page of local Google searches for my target market. That's huge and has definitely been a tremendous help in my practice building. It's not just potential clients, either. Referral sources use Google, too.

Besides attracting clients, what other ways has your strong online presence helped you?

My blog has helped me secure speaking and writing gigs. I've stepped way, way back on my professional writing since working on my practice, but both my personal blog and professional blog have brought editors to me. Networking is also easier when you have a great web site. It's fun to meet someone for coffee and have them say, "I already know this about you..." It makes starting those conversations easier.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered creating and maintaining your online presence?

There were some technical challenges I had when I first started my professional blog. I was using the URL I had used for my personal blog so that I wouldn't lose out on traffic. I had to change the URL and needed a 301 redirect to maintain that traffic. This is one of those things that sounds scary and complicated, but is actually pretty easy. There's a great explanation of how to do this on Wordpress if you're ever in need.

Beyond that, it's easy to become overwhelmed or to think you need to use every bell and whistle available. I tend to try out new things for a little while, then drop them if they're not useful. Part of this is that I just like learning this stuff, but I do have to watch my time constraints. It's way more fun to me to create a great, shareable image on Canva than it is to write up my case notes, so sometimes I reward myself with online tweaking when I'm all caught up on paperwork.

Also it's tempting to save things. Like save that great metaphor for my next talk, or save that terrific example for writing I might publish elsewhere. I've since learned that the more I give, the more I have to give. Memoirist Annie Dillard said:

"One of the things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book or for another book; give it, give it all, give it now. The impulse to save something good for a better place later is the signal to spend it now. Something more will arise for later, something better. Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes."

It's true. The more you write, the more you share, the more you will create. To hold back is a little bit like never adding weights to your lifting routine because you want to save it for when you're stronger. It's the exact opposite really.

What tips or resources can you recommend to help therapists who are new to the online world of blogging, social media, SEO, etc.?

I really like Amy Lynn Andrews for her series on starting a blog. I send her information to people all of the time. It's clear, it's easy to implement, and it works. I also like her newsletter for staying up to date on different tools that might be useful. She's not specific to counseling, but I always learn something, and even though she's super beginner-friendly, she also points to other resources for when you're ready to dig deeper into social media and SEO.

Dawn Friedman MSEd LPCphoto-225x300



Top 10 Best Books for Building Your Practice

10 TOP Best books for Building Your Private PracticeI asked members of my Private Practice Toolbox Facebook Group what books have helped them succeed in Private Practice and added them to the list of my favorites. Some of the following are specific to the mental health profession, while others offer insight that applies to the business world in general, but all of them can teach you valuable tips and strategies to use for your practice. 1) "Building Your Ideal Private Practice" by Lynn Grodzki

This groundbreaking book is first on the list for a reason. Dr. Grodzski leads the way in offering time-tested strategies to grow and improve your therapy practice (read here).

2) "Be a Wealthy Therapist" by Casey Truffo

This one shows you strategies to be a great clinician and earn a robust living. You worked hard to be a therapist, and you should likewise be compensated well (read here).

3) "Book Yourself Solid" by Michael Port

Port lays out in detail how to obtain more and more clients. A great resource for those just starting out (read here).

4) "Million Dollar Private Practice" by David Steele

This book guides you in how to channel your expertise to create additional income streams and reach a bigger audience (read here).

5) "Earning a Living Outside of Managed Care: 50 Ways to Expand Your Practice" by Steve Walfish

Walfish gives you strategies for ditching managed care and instead embracing a fee-for-service model. He also includes examples of counselors who found success by carving out a niche for themselves in different areas of therapy (read here).

6) "Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time" by Keith Ferrazzi

This classic teaches the ins-and-outs of successfully forging networks and relationships in a way that is authentic and can help you reach your career goals (read here).

7) "Launch" by Jeff Walker

An internet millionaire gives you the inside scoop on how to leverage your business online to reach massive success (read here).

8) "Platform: Get Noticed in a Busy World" by Michael Hyatt

You may already have a great service, but Hyatt teaches you how to utilize your platform to get your message out there. As a well-sought after speaker and blogger, he shows you the power of social media to expand your outreach (read here).  

 9) "The Private Practice Field Guide" by Daniel Franz

Written by someone who took the leap from working for a company to starting his own practice, this book addresses the concerns of therapists looking to do the same. Franz gives strategies and tips on such topics as marketing, streamlining business practices, and working with insurance panels (read here).  

10) "The Portable Lawyer for Mental Health Professionals: An A-Z Guide to Protecting Your Clients, Your Practice, and Yourself" by Thomas Hartsell

This book will answer some of the tough legal/ ethical dilemmas we might encounter. The author is an attorney and private practice mediator from Dallas, so he definitely knows his stuff (read here)!

Phew, that's a lot of great reading material!

What other books can you suggest that have helped you?

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