Media Presence

Evolution Of A Private Practice

This year marks my 10th year in private practice and I've spent a lot of time reflecting on and blogging about what's contributed to the growth and longevity of my practice. As I started creating a timeline chronicling the evolution of my practice, it became clear that the growth of my private practice coincides with my online presence building efforts. I don't think it's an accident that when I began actively seeking media interviews, blogging, and building my social networks that my practice experienced tremendous growth.
I challenge you to outline the evolution of your practice. What patterns do you notice about your practice growth? What wisdom can you share with colleagues about what has worked for you?


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A Day In The Life: Meet Relationship Expert Dr. Meredith Hansen

A Day In The Life: Meet Relationship Expert Dr. Meredith Hansen When I "met" Dr. Meredith Hansen on Facebook and Twitter recently I was struck by her cohesive online presence. Rarely have I come across such an impeccable private practice website and a therapist who has such clarity in her private practice message: "Helping individuals and couples find love, get love, and keep love."

If you want to see an example of a powerful practice website and clear practice message visit Dr. Hansen projects a nice blend of accessibility and professionalism that make me feel confident referring clients to her practice.

I'm not the only one who feels confident in Dr. Hansen's skills. Professional men and women in their late 20’s to early 40’s who are hoping to find love, coping with a relationship breakup, or want to improve their current love relationship are seeking her clinical services.

Dr. Hansen also offers pre-marital and newlywed counseling and enjoys helping couples adjust to married life. With a waiting list of new clients Dr. Hansen's plans to on bring on a psychological assistant to supervise who will see her overflow clients.  What does it take to build a relationship focused private practice? Look into "a day in the life" of relationship expert Dr. Hansen.

A Day In The Life

January 9, 2012

6:30AM – 8:00AM

Woke up early and headed out to the gym. I didn’t want to go today, my bed was warm and comfortable, but I knew it would make me feel energized and ready for the busy day ahead.

8:00AM – 8:30AM

Came home and made my favorite green smoothie for breakfast. Checked in with my husband before he left for work and responded to a few client emails requesting appointment changes during the week.

8:30AM – 9:30AM

Showered and got dressed.

9:45AM – 10:00AM

Drove to work and listened to my new website “opt-in” recording.

10:00AM – 11:00AM

Arrived at my office and reviewed my caseload for the day. Entered weekly sessions into, entered billing information, paid a few private practice bills (Farmer’s office insurance and Sparkletts), completed unfinished progress notes, returned a phone call from a potential new patient requesting an appointment, updated my practice waiting list in Google Docs.

11:00AM – 12:00PM

Worked on new relationship improvement product that I will launch next month. Recorded 7 short audios and finalized the corresponding handouts. Sent an email to my friends who are “testing” the program in order to get their feedback on the content so far.

12:00PM – 1:00PM

Grabbed lunch from a little deli down the street and reviewed content from a business training program I am participating in. Ate my sandwich while listening to the training recordings and made a “To Do”/goal list for the week. Visited my Facebook Page to respond to any comments or posts by my followers and checked in on Twitter to build online relationships.

1:00PM – 7:00PM

Saw 6 therapy clients. Wrote progress notes between sessions in order to reduce my paperwork during the week. (This is always a goal. Some days I am better at this than others.)

7:00PM – 7:15PM

Drove home and listened to the rest of my new website opt-in recording.

7:15PM – 8:00PM

Arrived home and made dinner with my husband. Asked about his day, discussed our schedule for the month, and cleaned up the kitchen.

8:00PM – 9:15PM

Watched TV with my husband. Checked in on Facebook again to respond to any evening comments or posts. Reviewed schedule for tomorrow. Responded to a recent request for a guest blog post. Reviewed the website of the woman requesting the post in order to assess if it would be a good match. Brainstormed some ideas for this post and outlined my next blog post.

9:15PM – 10:15PM

Got ready for bed and read a book a psychology focused book (I can’t get away from them). Listened to a brief mediation by Melanie Roche (always relaxes me and helps clear my mind). Kissed my husband and went to sleep…

Find out more about Dr. Meredith Hansen visit her private practice website.