
6 Reasons You Don't Have Enough Clients

New living room 1

Getting and keeping clients is a common struggle for private practitioners. Here are 6 potential barriers to a full practice and what to do about them.

1) You're not keeping the clients you have

It takes a lot less time, money, and energy to keep a client engaged in meaningful therapy than to find a new client. Keeping clients engaged in the therapeutic process requires additional skills. New skills might include setting expectations during the initial session that therapy is an on-going process. Recommend  that new clients schedule ahead 3-6 weeks (depending on your assessment of their need during the first session) instead of scheduling one week at a time.

Another strategy that will boost client retention is reaching out to clients who've dropped out of treatment without proper termination. I encourage my team of therapists to do this regularly by writing a hand-written card with their business card enclosed to clients who have not returned to therapy. The cards say something like, "You've been on my mind. I want you to know that I am here if you need me. If you'd like to take a break from therapy for a while that's fine. I'd like to offer you a free 25 min "wrap up" session where we can say goodbye." Many clients are very touched by this gesture and it is just the encouragement they need to continue coming to therapy. Even if clients don't continue in therapy, you've modeled how to say a healthy "goodbye".

2) You're not offering anything valuable to potential referral sources

I love that I'm approached regularly by a therapists trying to network and ask for referrals. You know the ones who I will refer to? I will refer to the therapists who approach our relationship as a mutually beneficial relationship. I am more likely to refer to therapists who, in addition to asking for referrals, offer their time, expertise, or referrals to me and my practice.

Several years ago I had a therapist contact me asking if I would refer couples to her for therapy. While she did offer to take me to lunch (which I didn't have time to do) she wasn't offering herself as a resource to me in any way. Additionally, I was annoyed because had this therapist had done her homework and looked at my website she would have seen that I work with couples and that I have several colleagues at my clinic who also work with couples. The key to developing strong referral relationships is to create mutually beneficial relationship, offering yourself as a resource to the other person.

3) Your online presence is weak

Have you Googled yourself lately? Have you searched for key terms in your geographic location to see where your website ranks? Potential clients are searching for therapists online and will generally click on websites listed on the first page or two of Google searches. If your information is easily found make sure the information found about you and your practice is accurate. Here are some resources to help you strengthen your online presence and make it easier for new clients to find you.

Does Google love your therapy practice? 5 elements of an effective practice website 4 reasons to start creating online content

4) You're not as good as you think you are

Most therapists think they are more effective than they actually are.  Therapists, like any other professionals have varying level or skill and success, but it seems that on the whole we are an overly-confident group.

A 2003 survey asked 143 counselors to grade their job performance on a scale from A to F... Of the counselors, 66 percent rated themselves as A or better. None saw himself or herself as below average (Sapyta, Riemer, Bickman, 2005, p. 147).

How do you find out if your clinical skills are above average, mediocre, or below average therapist? Start collecting outcome data from your sessions. A few years ago I tracked every session using the ORS and SRS rating scales for an entire year through MyOutcomes.com. This allowed me to establish a baseline, track each client's progress, and see where your scores fall compared to therapists around the world. I was relieved to know that according to these ratings scales I was indeed an "above average"  therapist, but I was not as good as I thought I was.

5) Your attachment style is sabotaging you

A therapist's own attachment style and relationship history impact their ability to keep clients engaged in meaningful therapy and maintain consistent referral sources. While I only have anecdotal evidence, my experience training therapists in a private practice setting suggests that therapists with a secure attachment style or slightly anxious attachment do better in private practice setting than therapists who lean toward the avoidant end of the attachment continuum. Additionally, if therapists have done their own work in therapy and have a handle on their own issues, they tend to be more successful than therapists who haven't resolved their own emotional wounds. If you're having a difficult time getting or keeping clients, may I suggest calling your own therapist and working on your own attachment issues?

6) You appear desperate

Therapists who are new to private practice may feel particularly overwhelmed by the details of running a business, and the difficulty of establishing a consistent clientele. Feelings of desperation are also felt by seasoned therapists whose client numbers ebb during seasonal changes, economic conditions, or other reasons.  Potential clients and referral sources can "sniff out" desperation, and whether they are consciously aware of it or not, they will be less likely to trust you and your services. Here are some questions to ask yourself to see if you're coming off as overly desperate.

  • Have you become  too accommodating when it comes to scheduling clients?
  • Do you feel overly discouraged if a new referral chooses not to schedule with you?
  • When talking about your practice do you talk fast and feel anxious inside?
  • Do you follow up with potential referral sources more than once a month?

I suggest  that you "act as if" and "talk as if" you have a moderately busy practice. Lead with the aspects of your practice and your expertise that you are confident in and you'll find more success getting and keeping clients.


Sapyta, Jeffrey, Manuel Riemer, and Leonard Bickman. “Feedback to Clinicians: Theory, Research, and Practice.” Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session 61, no. 2 (2005):145–53.

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The Hazards Of Being A Therapist

Achtung: Lebensgefahr!

Guest post by Regina Bright, MS, LMHC

I have been working in mental health for about 12 years. I listen to clients in crisis for many hours a day, providing support, empathy, interpretation and direction. As therapists, we can easily lose track of our own issues, ignore our own problems, and at times have difficulty shutting off the therapeutic processing.

In order to be a good therapist, it is necessary to take care of ourselves — our clients depend on it. Just because we know everything there is to know about stress management doesn’t mean that we are immune from becoming mentally exhausted. If you are feeling detached or apathetic toward your clients, yourself, or your relationships you could be experiencing emotional fatigue.

Here are some ways that I like to take care of my own needs so I can continue to support my clients:

I use my colleagues’ expertise regularly. We go to lunch and consult each other on difficult cases. We bounce around different techniques and approaches that could heighten the therapeutic process.

I belong to many professional organizations and am very involved in my community. I feel that if I have the support of my community, then I am not alone in my journey. I enjoy volunteering and giving back to my community whenever possible. It makes me feel good to see that I have helped others with a small donation of my time.

I enjoy spending time with my family. Going to the beach and reading or walking is especially refreshing. I have two Labrador retrievers who demand a lot of attention. I find a great escape just going out into the backyard and throwing the Frisbee for an hour.

My family enjoys going on vacation. I take two trips a year with the family and then one with just my husband.

My practice is in my hometown. I have developed many friendships over the years. I enjoy spending time with many different groups of people. I am very thankful for the friendships that I have made.

In college, I had different goals. I could do and wanted to do everything that came to my mind. I achieved more things in one day than most people did in a week. My priorities have changed. I have a family now and I find it necessary to relax. Now, I want to balance giving and getting – attention to my family, friends, spouse, community, and solitude.

As a mental health professional, self-care is a minimum standard of professional practice. Your clients deserve to be served by a healthy, well-balanced health care professional. Every mental health professional has vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and needs. Take time today to identify yours.

About The Author:

Regina Bright is the owner of Stepping Stones Professional Counseling, a Mary Esther private practice. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Clinical Supervisor, a Parent Coordinator and a Florida Supreme Court Family Mediator. At Stepping Stones Professional Counseling, they provide individual, group, couples and family counseling. Call 850-226-6430 or visit SteppingStonesCounseling.org


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5 Steps To Resigning From Insurance Panels

One of the most common questions that private practice therapists ask me is "How do I get off of insurance panels?" This question just came up today in my Private Practice Toolbox Facebook Group so I thought it would be a great topic for a blog post. In previous posts I've written about why I broke up with managed care (part 1) & (part 2), but this post will focus on how to do it.

The thought of letting go of the comfort of being on insurance panels can create a lot of anxiety for private practice therapists. After all, if we don't have clients, we don't get paid. Find comfort in knowing this equation. You only need about half the number of clients in a self-pay practice to make the same income (or more) than you made in an insurance based practice. Once I realized this fact, I felt a lot more comfortable resigning from insurance panels. Let's do the math...


Say you are seeing 20 managed care clients per week and you are reimbursed an average of $70 per client.

20 clients x $70 session = $1,400

20 clients x $70 session x 4 weeks = $5,600 per month

(then subtract your time or money spent in billing and paperwork)


2o clients x $125 = $2500/wk

20 clients x $125 session x 4 weeks = $10,000 per month

10 clients x $125 session x 4 weeks = $5,000 per month

(with NO extra paperwork, NO delay in payment, NO denied claims, NO required diagnosis...)

So often we focus on number of clients instead of the quality of clients and the amount collected per client.

5 Steps To Resigning From Health Insurance Panels

1) Rank the insurance companies

Make a list of insurance panels and rank them from your most favorite to least favorite based on:

  • reimbursement rates
  • paper work requirements
  • how quickly you're paid
  • number of clients you see from each panel
  • the type of clients generally referred
  • your general feeling working with each panel

2) Resign in waves starting with your least favorite

Generally, I recommend to my consulting clients to resign in waves over the course of a year. Resign first from the panels with the lowest ranking - the ones that pay the least and are the most difficult to work with.

3) Check your contract for resignation requirements

Review your contract to check on the resignation process that you agreed to. Look at the time frame required. Do you need to give them 30, 60, or 90 days notice? Do you need to send in a written letter?

4) Beef up your web presence

As part of your plan to resign from insurance panels, it critical to invest in creating other referral sources. The most important being your web presence. Google is my #1 referral source. The majority of our clients who come to my clinic Wasatch Family Therapy find us online. The benefit of clients finding you online is that they've already read about you, your services, and your philosophy on your website and have chosen to contact you. This increases the likelihood that they will be willing to pay your full fee.

  • Website - If you don't have a website, make that a top priority. If you have a website, make sure it's effective. Here are some common website mistakes and how to fix them.
  • Blog - If you don't have a blog on your site, add one and start blogging weekly.
  • Therapist finder sites - join PsychologyToday.com, GoodTherapy.org, and your professional organization's "find a therapist" site to help potential clients find you.

5) Know the benefits of self-pay and be prepared to educate clients

There are benefits to the client for paying out of pocket, instead of going through their insurance company, that they may not be aware of. As you make the transition away from managed care to a fee-for-service practice it's important to familiarize yourself with these benefits so you can educate your clients. A few of those benefits are: control over which provider you choose to work with, the course of treatment decided on by client and therapist instead of insurance company, and no diagnosis requirement.

Here's an example of how a provider educates her patients on the benefits of self-pay. Utah Psychiatrist Kelli Hyland, MD my colleague and consultation client, shares her philosophy in this blog post "Why Self-pay?"

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[Video] Peek Inside A Child's Dream Play Therapy Room

What impressed me most about this video tour is Shannon P Overland's amazing play therapy room. I think it would be difficult to get child therapy clients to actually leave the session! I bet a lot of play therapists will envy Shannon's set up at her private practice Overland Child and Family Services in PA. Thank you Shannon for sharing your beautiful presence and amazing office with us.

Learn more about Shannon Overland MA, NCPC, FGDMF practice at OverlandCFS.com

If you’re interested in submitting a YouTube virtual office tour video get details here.