
A Shrink's Guide To Self-Publishing (part 2)

In part 2 of "A Shrink's Guide To Self-Publishing" Stephanie Adams, LPC walks you through the process of organizing and completing your book and preparing it for publishing. Read part 1 here.

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Last week, we talked about how self-publishing can be a shrink's dream second income AND do wonders for their practice by increasing awareness of their expertise. But at the same time many of you who might consider this path worry that no matter how much you like the idea in general, you could never actually write a whole book.

I'm telling you now, don't sell yourself short! Think about it. What is therapy? A large part of counseling is simply listening to the client's story and creating together a different, better story of a life they can choose to lead. Probably at least once a session, you will find yourself doing things like attributing meaning to an event in the client's past, explaining a difficult concept to them, teaching a technique, or painting a verbal picture. That's storytelling, and you can do it on paper just as easily as you can do it in person!

What's Your Book About?

This is not an answer you come up with on a purely intellectual level. One might say all writers are intimately tied to our material. But since the counselor's vocational pursuits are so deeply personal, our stories will be even more so in many ways. So instead of coming up with a topic out of thin air, turn inward. What is your message to others? A practical way to start this process of discovery is by writing down things you say to clients every day. This will start to tell you what you are passionate about, and what you desire your clients to learn from you. By the time you're finished with that initial burst of energy, you should have 2-3 pages of handwritten ideas…or more! As you look over these pages, you will start to see a theme take shape from even seemingly disconnected ideas.

The easiest way I've come up with to find your theme is something I call "chunking." It involves taking your brainstorming sheets and breaking into "chunks" the ideas that go together. For example, say you've written, "dancers, artists, art therapy, painting, family therapy, eating disorder." Which of these go together? The answer to that question IS your theme. If you find yourself creating from these pages a mental narrative that involves the local school for the arts, eating disorders, and new techniques you've discovered, then it sounds like you've got an idea you want to share about a new method art students can use to conquer an eating disorder.

My "theme" is pure conjecture - but that is why I shared it. You will come up with a completely different idea from the same pages of notes than another person will. It's not important that you include all the elements you wrote down on your brainstorming sheets, or that you say what you think someone wants to hear about. What's important is that you discover the idea you're meant to share.

Once a theme has become clearer to you - because it WILL evolve as you get into the work of writing a book - you must ask yourself if you need to narrow or broaden your topic to do the subject justice. This is another highly subjective area, but I have confidence you can come up with the right choice for you. Take the example above. There are many art students out there, and many different kinds of therapy for eating disorders. So what should you focus on?

Let's say that you have a background in painting, and that is what you are most qualified to comment on. At the same time, you realize that dancers are more susceptible than other kinds of art students to eating disorders because of the focus on body image. Now, you could write about all the different groups you conduct, and all the kinds of therapy you are qualified to perform. But, you could do the most good writing a self-help guide to painting female figures in order to help dancers recover a healthy body image. This is the most precise definition of who you can help, and that is what is important.

If you cannot identify your reader, they will not be able to identify themselves as someone who can benefit from reading your book.

Once you have identified your reader, ask yourself what sets your book idea apart to the point that this potential reader will pick it up and say, "Hmm, I've never heard about this quite this way before." In order accomplish this result; you have a narrow range of specific options. The first option is to have a new piece of information no one has discovered before, which is hard to do in this day and age. The second option is to focus on an aspect of a problem no one has covered before, and the third is to deliver the information in a way no one has done before. How will you make your book stand out?

The Book Takes Shape

Flip back to the first few pages of notes you made, and take a moment to elaborate on the ideas you've started there. When you've done some more free writing, look over what you've come up with and start "chunking" again. This time, of course, you're starting from a narrower premise, so your specific chunks will become not book ideas, but chapters of your existing book idea.

Look at what you have. Maybe one cluster of ideas explains why this issue you're circling around is a problem. Another cluster of ideas tells your potential reader what will and won't work when addressing this issue.

Is it sounding a little less scary? I hope so! Writing nonfiction, like therapy, is just telling a client about a problem you see and how you'd like to help them overcome it.

Speaking of nonfiction, as you're allowing your chapters to take shape, start thinking about what kind of nonfiction book best suits the material you're sharing. Should you write a self-help book, generally written in the second-person and including exercises for the reader to work through on their own? Might you be writing a textbook for classroom use, or a training manual? Maybe your book would be best served as an inspirational journal? Or what if you're a play therapist, and your child clients would benefit from a children's picture book?

This is your book! Create the one you want!

Preparing Your Book For Publication

We've already talked a great deal about the process of formatting and submitting a book to be self-published through a service, but before then you want to make sure has been edited to the best of your ability. I don't recommend doing this completely on your own. If you can afford a line editor, great…but they are quite pricey. A less expensive option is to join a writer's group and exchange manuscript editing services with others in the group that are seeking publication.

Of course, with this kind of group, you will get varying levels of editing ability. That's why if you're going with lay editors, it's best to allow for each individual editor to help you in their area of strength. For my book, I had two or three people help me read the book for accuracy within my field. I had someone who knew my style of writing to check for clarity. Another helpful reader pointed out cohesiveness. And I was also fortunate enough to have someone read my book who was an expert in grammar and punctuation.

Almost even more than the content, your readers will judge your professionalism by the level at which your material is presented. If your book is grammatically accurate, focused, and easy to understand, you will rise in their esteem. If your book is instead riddled with mistakes and they can't understand what it's about, your venture into self-publishing could end up hurting you instead of helping you.

Gettin' Things Done Creative Commons License photo credit: UWW ResNet

Promoting Your New Expertise

After your book has been released, share it with people! Start a blog book tour, such as the one this article was written for. Send an announcement to your email list and share it with members of the community. Display it in your office, and have business cards printed up with the information on how to purchase your book. Organize a workshop or small group around your topic, and hand-sell the book afterwards.

Remember, writing a book says you're serious about your topic, so you want to encourage everything that puts you closer to becoming the go-to person within your niche. Don't worry - you will still get a chance to explore other aspects of your career in the future, but for now you want to recede into your niche and stay there! You are cultivating an expertise, remember?

When you love the topic you wrote about, sharing it can be a joy, because you're talking about something you love. Be creative, and have fun with it.

Any Counselor Can Do It

Many, many counselors want to investigate multiple streams of income, but they're scared because it's not something we're taught how to do. While this is an undoubtedly simplified version of the self-publishing and writing process, the purpose of this article is to show you how easy it is to do. Consider it Self-Publishing 101.

Regular people like you and me can make good money and realize dreams through self-publishing. I want you to be inspired and encouraged that you can do this and be a big success on your own terms.

Two months after publishing my book, I have already recouped my initial investment. That could be you. From now on, every royalty I earn is pure profit. Since I published the book, I have also opened up more streams of income by training counselors in teleseminars, and taking on counselors as consulting clients. All because of my book! What further streams of income might YOU open up by venturing into the world of self-publishing?

Stephanie Ann Adams, MA, LPC is the co-author of "The Beginning Counselor's Survival Guide: The New Counselor's Plan for Success from Practicum to Licensure" (available now in paperback and e-book) and the owner of Beginnings Counseling & Consulting, where she provides counselor innovation consulting and life counseling for emerging adults.

The Shrink's Guide To Self-Publishing (part 1)

I'm thrilled to introduce to you Stephanie Adams, LPC - my very first guest blogger on Private Practice Toolbox. Stephanie's passion for counseling and develop multiple streams of income, like offering online counseling and webinars, and self-publishing her first book are impressive. For all of you shrinks who've been thinking about writing a book, I hope Stephanie's guest posts will encourage you to take action!

Like books Creative Commons License photo credit: Mark J P

Among therapists, "multiple streams of income" is a phrase with buzz. For good reason: though we all love our one-on-one work with clients, it gets nerve-wracking to rely solely on "dollars for hours" income. Those times when a client gets sick - or we do - can mean a major hit to our paycheck.

That's why more and more, smart therapists are looking to diversify their methods of earning income. Self-publishing a book for your main client group is one excellent means of doing just that.

There are two reasons why you should seriously consider the self-publishing route. First, because it brings in an additional stream of revenue from the book itself, and who doesn't want that? The second reason to pursue self-publishing is because writing a book significantly impacts your perceived status as an expert.

Why does it matter if people see you as an expert? The fact is, publishing a book is a symbolic as well as a literal gesture. It tells others that you've put in a lot of work into researching and writing about a subject you care a lot about. People naturally view those who are willing to do that amount of labor to better understand a subject as experts in their own particular field. The increased knowledge, or expertise, you demonstrate about your subject translates into an increased client flow to your main business - your private practice.

Why Self-Publish?

Of course, the reasons above only explain why to publish a book, not why to forgo traditional publishing for self-publishing. That is because the reason is a new one. It's rooted in the current difficulties of the business of book publishing. Fact is, it's getting harder and harder for publishers to break even, let alone make a profit, doing business the way they were before. As a result of the advent of e-books and the success of secondhand bookstores in a poor economy, publishing houses cannot count on the same financial return from book sales as they did previously.  Borders has already gone under, other big bookstore chains are now in danger too.

With fewer and fewer people buying physical books at full retail price, traditional publishing companies just can't afford to take the risk on an untried author very often, no matter how great the message you have to share. And those authors that the big guns do take on have a very short window to prove themselves a marketable commodity.  But if you're not at that level yet, you will likely be better off in self-publishing.  When you self-publish, your income is based on a higher margin of profit per book, not volume of books like at the big houses. Since you cannot (yet) expect to sell a crazy amount of books, self-publishing gives your book a long shelf life to quietly earn a decent amount per book sold.

This is an important distinction that many people miss when thinking about publishing a book for themselves: that with a traditional publisher, you have a limited amount of time in most cases to sell books, or your book will be pulled from bookstore shelves and relegated to last priority with the house. Let me make it clear that book publishers aren't being cruel when they do this. They simply cannot afford to invest energy in a book that isn't selling "enough" according to their needs. If you self-publish with print-on-demand (which I will explain to you how to do very shortly) you do not have to meet some arbitrary deadline. Your book can be available on the Internet as long as you choose to make it so, giving it time to grow an audience and maybe, eventually attract the attention of a publisher who could give you larger circulation, when you're ready for that. It allows you to grow into an author that can request high standards of care from traditional publishing companies, because you will be an author who has shown you can bring in the readers.

To sum up, with a traditional publisher (unless you're a big name) you should expect as a rule less attention, tiny royalties, and a short window of time in which to prove yourself. If you are the publisher, however, you can give yourself the attention and time you need to develop, and earn steady royalties twenty-five to forty times higher than royalties issued by traditional publishing houses.

Publishing Your Book With CreateSpace

While your business decisions are your own, I advocate CreateSpace for self-publishing because I researched over 25 self-publishing services for my book, The Beginning Counselor's Survival Guide: The New Counselor's Guide To Success From Practicum to Licensure before settling on this service. I found that INCLUDING the book contract I was offered from a traditional academic publishing company, CreateSpace was the best deal financially and creatively.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, CreateSpace is the self-publishing wing of the book giant Though they offer paid self-publishing services, unlike most similar service providers, they don't require writers purchase an entire package, which, frankly, is a usually a tactic to get authors to spend more than they need to spend. CreateSpace also easily gets your book for sale on, which, outside of perhaps your local bookstore, is the first place most of your potential readers will look for your book. With other services, you often have to purchase a package to get your book on Amazon.

CreateSpace offers book publishing print-on-demand, which means no required books for you to buy and no risking your hard-earned savings with a hefty investment. When you need books to hand-sell, you purchase as many books as you like at some of the lowest rates in the industry, and the production fees for books customers order are factored in when CreateSpace quotes a royalty for you. No unhappy surprises.

CreateSpace makes it easy to accomplish the tasks independent author-publishers must take on in order to release their book, such as purchasing an ISBN and formatting the book to industry standards. In addition to the intuitive layout of the program itself and extensive community forums, customer service responds quickly and pleasantly, even if you're not a big-ticket account.

Are there disadvantages? Of course, but they are mostly disadvantages common to all independent publishing ventures. For example, no self-publisher, including CreateSpace, is going to do the work for you to get bookstores to order your books. But their consistently lower prices on services, friendly staff, and general ease of use ranks them pretty high in my book. (No pun intended!)

Creative Commons License photo credit: Jano Fistialli

An Even Cheaper Option: Self-Publishing Your E-Book!

Maybe you've been reading this and liking the idea of increasing your expert status and earning a second income, but aren't sure if you want to invest in writing and selling a paperback book. You don't necessarily have to. Another great option to add to your publishing plan or to try in place of publishing a physical book is to publish an e-book!

Again, there are multiple options to help you along this path. Amazon offers Kindle Direct Publishing, which you can do on your own or pay under $100 to have them do for you. The CreateSpace or KDP staff will help you link the Kindle edition of your book to the listing for your physical book upon request so that those who go to to find your book can find buying options for the Kindle as well. The e-book publisher Smashwords also allows you to upload a book for free and pay only a small portion of your earnings for each book sold. Though it doesn't seem to draw a great deal of traffic on its own, Smashwords can be a great tool for file conversion (often the hardest part of preparing an e-book for publication) and setting up affiliate sales of your e-book. (A sub-stream of income, if there is such a word!)

Royalties from e-books are even larger than royalties from print books, as e-books require no printing or shipping costs. (Self-published print book royalties on CreateSpace depend on the way the book is sold, but range from 20-60% of your total list price, while royalties can be 70-80% of the list price for e-books.) As a bonus, when you are the only publisher, you have all claim over the rights. That means you can also sell your e-book as a pdf download directly from your website and keep all the profit to yourself!

If you're already publishing in a physical format, there's no real reason not to add an e-book option as well, as they are often free to put out and increasingly more attractive to readers. As you consider your audience, you may find out also that producing an e-book by itself is the best choice for you. If there's no real demand for a print copy, by all means, stick to just an e-book. This is the theme I want to impress upon you: self-publishing is about YOU taking charge of your business destiny and meeting your clients' needs in a new and creative way. If your plan accomplishes those goals, then you have succeeded at self-publishing.

I hope I'm beginning to interest you in the exciting world of self-publishing for counselors. It's an untapped opportunity for therapists with incredible potential. Of course, before you self-publish, you have to write a book, and that can sound like a scary concept to some of you. Not to worry. Next week, in A Shrink's Guide To Self-Publishing, Part II, I will explain to you how your role as a counselor has already prepared you for authorship, and share some simple tips to get you started on writing your book and sharing it with others.

Stephanie Ann Adams, MA, LPC is the co-author of "The Beginning Counselor's Survival Guide: The New Counselor's Plan for Success from Practicum to Licensure" (available now in paperback and e-book) and the owner of Beginnings Counseling & Consulting, where she provides counselor innovation consulting and life counseling for emerging adults.





A Day In The Life: Meet Body-Centered Therapist Ashley Eder, LPC

Ashley Eder, LPC Meet Ashley Eder, LPC and her therapy dog "Angel." While I know therapists who've brought their dog into the therapy office occasionally (it wasn't necessarily "therapeutic" for colleagues or clients), Ashley is the first therapist I've met who uses a therapy dog as a purposeful tool in clinical practice.

It makes sense that certain clients would feel at ease and find contact with a dog to be calming during therapy sessions. In her Boulder, CO private practice, Ashley specializes in body-centered psychotherapy and mindfulness interventions to treat somatic complaints, such as body image, self-harm, chronic pain, abuse recovery, and eating disorders in young adults in their teens and twenties.

In addition to her clinical practice Ashley provides counselor education, training, community building and supervises other counselors toward licensure. See how Ashley spends her day balancing family (she's a mom of one) and her clinical practice.

A Day In The Life

January 23, 2012


Wake up to the sound of my 15 month old son chattering to himself in his bedroom. He is currently my alarm clock, and this is an excellent arrangement when he sleeps past 6AM. I listen to him babble and do a quick first check of email to see if there is anything I need to know heading into my day.

7:00AM - 8:30AM

This is a whirlwind of play, feeding, diapering, getting dressed, and chasing a toddler around the house. My son decides today is the day he wants to learn how to climb the stairs. My husband makes us some coffee and I eat my own breakfast. We divide and conquer morning tasks like feeding our pets and unloading the dishwasher. I check email again and see I have one cancellation for this evening, and one client in crisis and requesting a phone consult today (no safety concerns). I’ll get back to both of them as soon as my son heads to daycare.

8:30AM - 9:00AM

Check in with my client in crisis over the phone. Return email to the client who needed to cancel confirming our regular appointment time next week.

9:00AM - 9:45AM

Shower and get dressed. Get my therapy dog Angel ready for work and in the car, then we head to the office. I have a short phone conversation with a colleague whose caseload I’ll be covering the next two weeks while she is out of town. I also call my son’s pediatrician to let them know that he still has the cough I brought him in for last week.

10:00AM - 10:30AM

I get settled in to see clients. This includes tidying up my office, making sure there is water in Angel’s bowl, and pulling charts for the clients I’ll see today. I have recently switched to electronic record keeping and have a personal goal of all case notes completed for the day before I leave the office. This keeps me from getting behind. I take a few minutes to sit quietly.

10:30AM - 3:00PM

I have four consecutive sessions with a half-hour break mid-way through. It’s the beginning of the school semester and my roster today reflects that students’ schedules are in flux, which means mine is too. This time flies. It is so rewarding that it’s energizing and I feel grateful for this work.

3:00PM - 4:30PM

A break. Angel and I go for a walk to stretch our legs and get some fresh air. We eat lunch by the pond outside my office where a pair of ducks is over-wintering. Angel loves to watch the ducks. Back in the office I check in with friends over Facebook and email. I return phone calls and schedule appointments with the two prospective clients who left messages this morning, and I schedule a supervision session with one of the licensure candidates I am supervising. I send a quick note to a colleague who has been a regular referral source for me lately.

4:30PM - 5:00PM

I participate in a half-hour informational interview over Skype with a college graduate from my alma mater. She contacted me via LinkedIn for advice on applying to graduate school and pursuing a career in counseling. I’m impressed by her initiative and preparation, and it feels good to help her out.

5:00PM - 6:00PM

My last session of the day. Because I have been charting all day I finish this final case note and log out of the electronic health record system by 6:00 PM sharp.


Pack my bag, draw the shades, lock my filing cabinet, vacuum dog hair from the carpet, leash up Angel, and head home.

6:30PM - 7:00PM

I come home where my husband and son have finished their dinners. Angel and I eat with their company and we talk about everyone’s day. My husband asks if Angel was a good therapy dog and I answer “of course.” I enjoy watching my toddler roam around the kitchen and family room. His curiosity is delightful and tomorrow we will spend the entire day together.

7:00PM - 7:30PM

Baby bedtime. We all go upstairs for the diaper change, pajamas, teeth brushing, and bedtime story.

7:30PM - 9:00PM

I finally make a dent in the pile of receipts from last year’s business expenses--time to get ready for taxes. Write a rough draft of a letter of recommendation for a client. Put the finishing touches on my resume and cover letter for an affiliate faculty teaching job I’d love to have.

9:00PM - 10:00PM

Hang out with my husband, who has also been catching up on some work that was left over from the day.


In bed, I skim through email and Facebook once more before going to sleep.

To learn more about Ashley Eder, LPC and her therapy dog angel, visit

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A Day In The Life: Meet Professional Counselor Stephanie Adams

I've never actually met Stephanie Adams, LPC  face to face, but I like her a lot. I've connected with her on Twitter, exchanged emails, and visited her website so I feel confident that I can say that she's a "go getter" and like me, Stephanie loves to reach out to clients and professionals through technology.

She founded Beginnings Counseling & Consulting, a boutique E-Therapy practice based in College Station, TX, where she uses video conferencing, email, phone and real-time chat to meet with clients and coach beginning counselors. She's co-authoring a book "The Beginning Counselor’s Survival Guide" aimed at supporting new therapists in building their practice.

A Day In The Life

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Wake up and make coffee. Spend time with my husband before he leaves for medical school.


Check email and plan out the day.


Consult via email with representative from online therapy platform I will soon be working with. I had a question about the nature of their existing informed consent documents. Since they obtain contact information for emergencies and provide a detailed informed consent statement on the nature of online therapy, I decide I do not need to add my own informed consent forms when I work with clients on their site.


Attempt to resolve issues with a recent product I’ve listed on clickbank, called the Premarital Power Seminar. A representative from the site tells me my product cannot be approved unless the target URL shows my domain name, Since my website was originally a free site before I upgraded to hosting, it still shows an old URL using the free domain name. Email my website support to ask for help changing it.


Send email to affiliate who is planning on representing my product and update her on the progress…or lack therof.

9:45-10:30 AM

Shower and get ready for the day!


Return client email.


Submit interior material for my upcoming book, The Beginning Counselor’s Survival Guide and check for errors. Find 5 formatting errors, correct 4 and email co-author Dr. Carol Doss about getting a high-resolution photograph for her author bio for the last error resolution. Try to figure out whether I have a high-resolution photograph for my own picture! Decide to shelve that problem for late. Check pre-order form on my web store to see if it will allow a person to order the book successfully, as I am announcing the pre-order at the free webinar I am giving later tonight.


Consult with private practice mentor on recent claim payment received. Can it really pay so little?

12:30 PM

Return new client consultation email that just came in regarding carinig for an ADHD child. Inform client that while I cannot treat a child client over online therapy, I do have experience working with ADHD children and would be happy to provide her with consultation and behavioral strategies to help her work successfully with her child.

12:35 PM

Inform another new client via email that since she is of legal age, I cannot call her mother to ask about her insurance information, as it would be a breach of privacy. Provide form to be e-signed by client to allow me to call client’s insurance company about mental health benefits.


Finalize time for phone conference tomorrow morning with a different potential new online counseling platform. Jot down notes: Will this site allow me to restrict clients to only clients in Texas, where I am licensed? Will it be a concern for this site’s owner if I provide services through more than one platform?


Attend free webinar from TeleMental Health Institute, “How To Build A Thriving Mental Health Practice From Your Home.” During the presentation, write answers for the pre-submitted questions for my webinar and make last-minute changes to the Powerpoint presentation I have created. Update my business accounts, typing in and filing receipts and client payments for the appointments I’ve had this week.


Return voicemail from local student applying to counseling master’s programs. Set up a time to meet with her after Thanksgiving week, and invite her to tonight’s webinar.

3-4 PM

Rehearse for presentation of my first webinar tonight, “Developing Your Counselor Mission: The One Idea That Changes Everything.”


Assure several recipients of my webinar invitation that if they cannot attend the seminar tonight, the recording will be emailed to them.


Tell my husband I’m nervous about giving the webinar. He reassures me that I will do fine.


Discuss Thanksgiving travel plans with my husband.


Receive new subscriber to email list for Beginning Counselors. Yay!


Open AnyMeeting and “start” the webinar before anyone gets there so I can play with sound and turn off the webcam – not having a good enough hair day for that. Discover to my horror that if I am to share my Powerpoint presentation with attendees, I will not be able to see their chat box, because as I have a Mac I can only share my entire screen. They will be able to see the chat box, but I can’t. Scramble through potential options to correct this situation, including turning on my husband’s old desktop (does not have a working microphone) and playing the Powerpoint from within program itself. It doesn’t look as good outside of presentation mode, so finally decide to bite the bullet, and share the situation with participants signing in. Let them know that when Powerpoint poses a question I want them to answer, I will have to minimize the program in order to see their answers.


Give webinar. I enjoy getting to talk to new counselors and get excited about the topic all over again.


Sign off from webinar. Share with my husband that it was a success. Make a to-do list for tomorrow: Meeting with owner of online counseling site. Research licensure laws to see if any other states will allow me provisional licensure to practice online in their jurisdiction. Finish homemade baby blankets for family baby shower over Thanksgiving break. Confirm appointments for the next Monday and Tuesday before we leave for home.


Call my mom.



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Getting 3 'Fs' In Private Practice Is A Good Thing!

letter FMy motivation for starting my private practice, Wasatch Family Therapy, was very clear. I wanted to create my ideal work environment and I knew that no one else could do that for me. I felt called to help people heal themselves and their relationships.  I knew that I wanted work with therapy clients who valued my services and time, and who were dedicated to working hard to improve their life. I wanted the flexibility to set my own schedule and take time off to be with my children and attend school and sporting events. I wanted to do paperwork that was relevant and helpful for treatment. I wanted to invite other clinicians into my professional space who were gifted therapists, genuine people, and who I enjoyed spending time with. I wanted to work as a social worker part-time and make a full-time income (a lofty goal in a profession where many work full-time and make a part-time income).

I know why I chose to go into private practice but I was curious if other therapists and counselors around the country had similar motivation opening private practice. I recently asked several therapists about their reasons for taking the leap into the business world of owning their own practices and noticed three common themes emerged. I call them the 3 "F"s of private practice: flexibility, freedom, financial opportunity.

1) Flexibility

Therapists who take the leap into private practice value flexibility in their work schedule to better balance work and family life, and to pursue other interests.  Dr. Mary Sidhwani, a psychotherapist in private practice since 2000 in Ellicott City, Maryland opened her practice so she could have the flexibility to care for her two young children. "I wanted to be able to balance both my professional and family life; to be able to spend as much time with my children as possible while they were young."  Social worker Diane Spear, LCSW-R of New York City said, "I had worked at an agency with wonderful colleagues, but private practice gave me the opportunity to set my own hours and fees."

Of his decision to open his own practice psychologist Dr. John Duffy says, "I wanted to go into private practice as I wanted control over my career: my schedule, niche, fees, client base, whether I accepted insurance, and so on. I also wanted to be able to write, consult, speak, and expand my practice, or take fewer clients, as I went along."

2) Freedom

Freedom to select a particular client population to work with and choose your own approach to treatment has drawn many therapists to open a practice. After agency work left her overworked, underpaid and burned out, Esther Kane, MSW of British Columbia chose to open a private practice because it allowed her to focus on her passion - women's issues. Kane says she loves the "autonomy and flexibility of not having to answer to anyone."

Spear says she appreciated being able to choose who she worked with and how she approached treatment. "I wanted to choose level of pathology I want to treat, choose the theoretical orientation and supervisor I'm most comfortable with, and set the environment as I prefer. In short, autonomy, autonomy, autonomy!"

3) Financial Opportunity

It's a risk to open your own practice, but when it grows, you are the one who benefits most from the financial growth. Private practitioners have the opportunity to grow their income in ways that are unlikely to happen when you work for someone else. New York City therapist Emma K. Viglucci, CFT, LMFT, CIT experienced the growth potential first-hand. Since opening Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC she says, "I've grown the practice to the point where I had 10 clinicians working with me as part of our clinical team. My practice has become an Internship Placement Site for MFTs in training."

Financial need helped Lisa Gomez MA, PLC of Surprise, AZ transition from part-time to full-time private practice. After being laid off from a full-time staff position due to budget cuts Gomez says it was "the perfect opportunity to take the step of faith into full-time private practice. I love private practice because I can be as successful as I want or as flexible as I want."

What motivated you to start your private practice?

If you're thinking about venturing into private practice, what do you hope to gain?


Creative Commons License photo credit: Leo Reynolds