Counseling Psychology

A Day In The Life: Meet Sex Therapist Regina Bright, LMHC

Regina Bright, LMHC Regina is the proprietor of Stepping Stones Professional Counseling, an outpatient private practice in Mary Esther, Florida that was established in 2009 where she provides individual, group, family, and couple’s counseling. Regina is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Board Certified Sex Therapist, Certified Family Mediator, Parent Coordinator, Clinical Supervisor, and holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. She resides in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, where she was born and raised, with her husband, 9 year old daughter, and three Labrador Retrievers: Roxy (Chocolate), Gator (Blonde) and Chomper (Black) one of each flavor.

Read on to find out how Regina spends her time in private practice.

A Day In The Life

July 2, 2013

7:15 AM

Woke up, brushed teeth, and got in the shower followed by the rest of my morning routine.

8:30 AM

Arrive at work, greet office manager, check e-mails, look at the Google calendar, and pull files for the clients that I see for the day.

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

See my 8 clients for the day – in between sessions, I write my case notes.

5:15 PM

Posted social media updates on Twitter and on my business Facebook page

5:30 PM

Before heading home for the day, I visited my business page to update insurance panels and to add a couple of more books on the suggested reading page.

5:45 PM

Headed home. Greeted by my husband and daughter. My husband had the house cleaned and had a delicious meal waiting for me.

7:00 PM

Played games with my family.

8:00 PM

Took a bubble bath and put on my pajamas.

8:30 PM

Snuggled with my 9 year old – read books, told her funny stories of when she was a baby, and tucked her in bed.

9:00 PM

Checked my e-mail – scheduled clients from my Psychology Today profile and added some pins on my Pinterest page.

9:30 PM

My husband and I got in bed and watched some of our favorite recorded programs: Mike and Molly, How I Met your Mother, and Anger Management

11:00 PM

Kissed husband, snuggled with my 3 Labrador retrievers and went to sleep.

Find out more about Regina's practice visit

If you’d like to submit a day in your life for this series, please contact me here.

A Day In The Life: Meet Online Counselor Terrie Browning, LPC

What does it take to build and maintain a private mental health practice? Terrie Browning, LPC, DCC, CFC was among the first to respond to my request for therapists to track their activities for a day to shed light on what it takes to be in private practice. Friday, the day she uses  for last minute crisis appointments, online counseling appointments, website meetings, phone consults, and runs errands, was the day she chose to track her activities. Terrie provides in person, and online counseling, in addition to providing court testimony as part of her private practice, Alternative Therapies. Terrie is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Forensic Consultant, Distance Credentialed Counselor, and holds a Masters Degree in Science of Psychology, with specialization in Counseling Psychology.

To learn more about Terrie's practice visit her website

A Day In The Life

Novemember 18, 2011 Friday


Woke with my partner. Made coffee and tea and had a conversation about home, bills, tonight’s activities.


Started some laundry and checked emails for both my private practice and my website. Noted a return email from a potential new therapist for my live consultation website confirming our 11am phone consult. Email my accountant regarding chat system payouts and reporting options for experts.


Call from client, appointment for marriage counseling. Discuss options and insurance.


Answered emails to LinkedIn professionals offering a wide range of services, mostly media opportunities for the website (radio, press releases, etc.). Received an email from the editor at MyMetroYou magazine where I write a monthly column, My Healthy Mind. Deadline for January series was early this month, due Monday. Yikes, I haven’t even started it yet! January starts the first of a three part series on “What Makes Love Work”. I make a mental note to complete outline this afternoon.


Change beds and clean up house before leaving my phone consult.


Phone call from client whose husband had brain surgery. Anger issues and needed some assistance with conflict resolution.


Phone consult with expert from CA. A fellow therapist asking about ethical issues with online counseling. I share information I received during my Distance Credentialed Counselor certification I received last year from ReadyMinds in Chicago.


Consult with a close relative about difficult situation of living in a new place and trying to find employment and the stress it is taking on her relationship, feeling of loneliness, frustration and diminished self-worth.


Skype with my social networking company representing my website.


Online counseling with return client.


Work out at gym.


Meet attorney with whom I work with on alcohol evaluations. Get a call from client with need to come in for crisis appt. Agree to meet in 1/2hr.


Meet with client in the office.


Paperwork in office. Billing, faxing to alcohol testing lab for results, rehab for dates for clients alcohol evaluation. Phoned the parent of client admitted to emergency psychiatric ward with suicide attempt. Doing well. Whew, on my mind for last 24 hours. Talk about after care and outpatient services.


Return calls for appointments for following week. Phone consult with parent; minor child is going to court against his father for psychiatric evaluation and ending parenting time.


Return home to shower.


Talk with daughter who wants to transfer universities (her junior year).


Dinner with best friends for birthday celebration.


Return home and talk with partner, watch TV, go to bed.

Thank you Terrie, for letting us peek into a day in your life as a private practice therapist!