Power of Online Presence

3 Ethical Fears of Being a Therapist Online and How to Resolve Them

fear: ethics

Every therapist knows that ethics is a critical component of working with clients. Once you add social media into the mix, things can get even more complicated. I’ve noticed that unfortunately, some in the profession are resistant to embracing technology and building an online presence related to their practice because of fear of the potential ethical problems. It’s true that there are risks involved in going online, but we don’t need to be run by this fear; the risks can be managed, and, as we’ve talked about so many times before, the benefits are staggering.

Here are 3 Ethical Fears of Being a Therapist Online, and How to Resolve Them:

1) A Client Breaking Professional Boundaries

If you’re findable on the internet, naturally you’re easier to contact as well. And while we find that most clients respect boundaries with their therapist, some may choose to disregard common rules of protocol, especially when a professional’s online presence facilitates their ability to do so.

Mari A. Lee, an LMFT who specializes in sex addiction recovery, prevents this by having her clients sign a social media form as part of the intake packet. “I do not allow clients to post to my business Facebook page or private message me,” she explains. “I do not accept friend requests or professional links from therapy clients on LinkedIn.” Mari describes how the few times that a client has attempted to add her, she simply redirects them back to her policy. By doing, she has never encountered an incident of professional boundaries being crossed (read more about Mari’s experience here).

Overall, being clear about what is and is not acceptable for your clients with regards to social media will all but prevent problems from occurring. Develop a social media policy for your practice, include it in your initial client paperwork, and have it available on your website (read more about developing a social media policy here). While you must be firm about your boundaries, try to communicate your expectations in a way that is not alienating or harsh. A client reading your content online is a good thing, so you don’t necessarily need to discourage all forms of social media engagement; it is direct contact that is prohibited.

2) The Risky Possibility of Dual Relationships

We all know that therapists in private practice should be cautious when entering dual relationships with clients and be mindful of  the potential risk of exploitation or harm to the client. This caution extends to online dual relationships as well. If you as a therapist have an online presence and engage in multiple professional activities (publishing, consulting, etc.), you might be worried that a client could feel pressured to purchase additional services or products from you. Whereas before you were a person that your client saw in an isolated setting, you are now an established figure that he/she can read about or follow anytime on the internet.

This fear really is unfounded. It’s okay for someone to find you online and understand that you are selling something in addition to seeing clients. As long as you’re not soliciting these things during a private session, you don’t need to try and hide the fact that you do other things. Your ethics courses taught you what need to know about avoiding these kinds of interactions.

If you think there might be a legitimate possibility that your outside professional activities encroach on the ethical integrity of your counseling, consider the following: Dr. William Doverspike, a licensed psychologist and president of the Georgia Psychological Association, proposes a very simple ethics test when contemplating dual relationships. Ask yourself these 5 questions to determine whether or not your online activities are ethically sound in relation to your clinical practice:

Is there a chance of:

  1. loss of effectiveness of the professional?
  2. loss of objectivity of the professional?
  3. loss of competence of the professional?
  4. risk of exploitation of the client?
  5. risk of harm of the client?

If you can answer an honest no to all of these questions, you’re just fine in pursuing your other activities.

3) Posting TMI

Most of us have witnessed someone who gets too personal on Facebook or on other social media outlets. These platforms can be great for sharing information and photos and keeping in touch with one another, but sometimes people go too far.

Being cautious with social media activities becomes even more important for a therapist with an online presence. Where does your personal life begin and your work life end? Would your relationship with your client be jeopardized by something you posted about your own life? Is it possible for something to be appropriate for your personal page but not for your business page? Keep in mind that social media platform privacy settings are constantly shifting and that there is no guarantee that some information posted on personal profiles may still be accessible.

I trust that my friends reading this right now aren’t the type who post blatantly inappropriate or disrespectful material, but it can still be challenging to find that line. Here is the rule that I’ve created for myself that has worked well for me: if I wouldn’t feel comfortable with anyone in the world viewing it, I won’t post it at all. It’s that simple.

Once again, this potential ethical problem is easy to avert. Use common sense, your ethics training, a social media policy, and your best judgment. Overall, just trust yourself as to what to post; you are a professional after all!

The point of this post is that you don’t need to be run by fear when it comes to social media engagement. I encourage you to embrace the technological world and let it benefit both you and your clients.



I wrote an in-depth article about social media ethics. Click here to read it.

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The Power of Online Presence: Blogging Brings Training Opportunities for Art Therapist Lisa Mitchell LMFT

art-clock-300x241 Discover how some very successful mental health professionals use blogging, social media, and other technologies as powerful tools for their therapy practices.

Lisa Mitchell MFT, ATR, LPC, is director of The Art Therapy Studio in Sacramento, CA and owner of InnerCanvas.com. She helps teens and adults use their creativity to heal from trauma, depression, and anxiety. Read here about how Lisa's online presence grew her outreach exponentially:

When and how did you first start putting time and effort into maintaining a strong online presence?

I started 13 months ago with my blog at InnerCanvas.com. I do have a small website for my local private practice, and I wrote an online newsletter for 5 years, but my serious efforts are with my blog.

I first had to commit to the writing schedule. Weekly content is not easy to come up with, and I had to really give myself space to create. I got support from a business coach who helped me know how to engage the readers I did have and how to interest new readers.

As an artist, I love to make things. So, I’ve used this love as a way to create things I know my blog readers and potential blog readers would love to receive as gifts. I’ve created a music playlist, several videos, art invitations, and a quiz. These were fun for the recipients and for me as well. Each time I offer something like this, my email list numbers jump considerably.

While other platforms have been important to growing my audience, I think of my blog as the thing that everything else pivots around. It has become a community that I love and am proud of.

Please describe what social platforms you currently use.

Facebook has been a wonderful place to meet colleagues and make connections. I use it to post blog entries and also get ideas from like-minded therapists.

LinkedIn has been incredible for connections that I couldn’t make on Facebook. I’ve messaged professionals in our field with questions, comments, and gratitude for their work and have engaged in some valuable conversations. The therapist groups on LinkedIn are very active, and I find that I can engage in some really good dialogue around my blog posts and others’ blog posts there.

I’m also on Twitter and Pinterest, but putting energy into these spreads me really thin. I’m thinking of hiring a social media person to cover this for me, but haven’t gone that far yet.

About how much time do you devote to your online presence? How do you balance it with your other work responsibilities?

I have to be really careful about the time I spend online. It is really seductive because I love learning and reading other people’s perspectives so much, so it would be easy to get carried away. I devote about 4 hours a week to blogging, posting, and generally updating my online presence.

I tend to integrate my art and creativity with my online presence, so it doesn’t feel so separate from my other work responsibilities. If I come up with a cool new art invitation, I will share it. If I am experimenting with a new art technique or medium, I’ll share that as well.

I do have a new rule for myself regarding how I use my time in between sessions. I decided that I couldn’t engage in my online activities during the 10 minutes between clients. Instead, I keep my creative process going by making art and/or staying present with real, non-digital activities. I wrote a blog post about it called "Five Ways to Limber Your Thinking Between Sessions" and got some really great responses from my tribe there.

What kinds of things do you use to inspire your content creation; what do you write about?

My focus in writing is to explore the parallels between the creative process and the therapeutic process. The two are beautifully linked, actually one in the same, and I love to think up new ways to teach and inspire therapists about creativity.

I am deeply reflective about my experience as a therapist, and I like to share these reflections in my writing. So my inspiration comes from my work as a therapist and my daily practice as an artist. I have a little list of criteria that I use when I write. I ask myself, Is the piece moving or inspiring? Does it share something meaningful or thought provoking? Is it ethically sound? These questions ensure that my content is not just a journal, but comes full circle and actually makes a point or teaches something.

How do you best balance personal and professional in your online activities? Please give examples.

Because I want to invite therapists to value their work and see it as a creative art form, I do include quite a bit of my own self-reflection in my online activities. I’m very cautious that I don’t violate client confidentiality in the process. Many of my blog posts are pieces that are about real experiences with clients, but I’ve changed much of the information and context in order to adhere to ethics.

I wrote “Sometimes there’s too much sadness....” and “The Art of Permission: What an artist can teach us about therapeutic use of self” in response to my own experiences. In each post, I share some personal thoughts, and then I link these thoughts to a broader, creative view that can apply to being a therapist in general.

What is some tangible evidence that your online presence has grown your business?

My online presence has been invaluable to the growth and expansion of my business. Not only have I met people from all over the world, I’ve also been approached and hired by multiple organizations. My training revenue has increased this year by 175%. My online course for therapists, Artfix, has filled every time I’ve offered it by therapists all over the world!

I’ve also been commissioned to write a book, “Creativity as Co-Therapist: The Practitioner’s Guide to the Art of Psychotherapy." It’s my dream to write this kind of book, and the editor found me first as a faculty member of the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium, read my blog all the way through, and emailed me asking, “Do you have an idea for a book? We’d love to publish it.” The book will be out in the Spring of 2016.

Besides attracting clients, what other ways has your strong online presence helped you?

I was asked to develop a seminar for Cross Country Education as a result of the trainings that I had advertised on my website. Now I travel across the country offering these seminars to professionals who want to learn to use art in therapy safely and effectively.

This might sound silly, but it’s powerful: After my last speaking tour, I had a nightmare of a time flying home from the East Coast. I missed 4 flights, and it ended up taking 29 hours to travel across the county. I decided to post my frustration and sadness on Facebook. The support and well wishes I got from folks who had participated in workshops and follow my blog was touching. I really felt as if the community was there for me when I needed a pick-me-up.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered creating and maintaining your online presence?

The learning curve for me was overwhelming. Four years ago, I had no idea what an autoresponder or an opt-in box was. I am not someone who loves to figure details out, especially on a screen. Because I didn’t have the financial means to hire someone right away, I had to learn. So I took it very slow and gave myself a whole lot of room to experiment and make mistakes. I used to tell myself that I was just slower than everyone else, but I knew I could do it.

I also had to beef up my business marketing skills. My mentor Lynn Grodzki was very helpful and encouraging. I've learned a lot from Casey Truffo about how to earn a significant living through being a therapist. And I’m now part of an ongoing business coaching group with Andrea J. Lee. I learned that I couldn’t scrimp on coaching support. So rather than pay for the technical part to get done for me, I invested heavily in business strategy coaching. It’s really paid off.

What tips or resources can you recommend to help therapists who are new to the online world of blogging, social media, SEO, etc.?

Be kind to yourself and go at your own speed. Don’t invest big dollars until you are somewhat knowledgeable about being online. First, sign up for as many free and low cost opportunities as possible, just to get a feel for what this online world is all about.

We therapists are seldom in the limelight and are used to not being very visible. Check in with your feelings about this. If it feels very scary to show up and be seen by complete strangers, do some work and identify a reason why you want to get online. If you can find a way to turn the fear into excitement, you will do great. If you have a powerful WHY, you will do even better.

unnamedLisa Mitchell, MFT, ATR, LPC Licensed Family & Marriage Therapist, Registered Art Therapist Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/InnerCanvas Blog: www.innercanvas.com Website: thearttherapystudio.com

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The Power of Online Presence: Viral Blog Post Brings Book Deal for Amy Morin, LCSW

13thingscover-200x300 Amy Morin, LCSW could never have guess that one viral blog post could lead to a national book deal!

Today, we continue with our series "The Power of Online Presence." Amy Morin is an LSCW specializing in adolescent depression, anxiety, and behavior disorders. Her now famous article "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do" has been viewed millions of times and recently was made into a book. Learn more about what Amy does to build her online presence.

1) When and how did you first start putting time and effort into maintaining a strong online presence?

I started blogging a couple of years ago. Initially, I set out to create a simple blog that would attract people to my website. Then over time, I began getting paid to write articles for other websites and media outlets. I started to realize how important social media was to getting noticed online.

2) Please describe what social platforms you currently use. 

I use Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. I use them all to share articles, quotes, and other newsworthy information.

3) About how much time do you devote to your online presence? How do you balance it with your other work responsibilities?  

My online activities have essentially become another job for me. I write articles for other therapists or provide content for college websites, etc. The two biggest sites I write for are About.com and Forbes. As a freelance writer, I can decide which jobs I want to accept and which ones I want to turn down. I spend maybe 30 minutes each day sharing those articles and other information on social media. Fortunately, having a smartphone makes it easy to use social media wherever I am, so I find that it really doesn't take up too much of my spare time. If I have an extra couple of minutes here or there, I can easily connect on social media.

4) What kinds of things do you use to inspire your content creation; what do you write about?

I mainly write about parenting teens and child discipline on About.com. I write about psychological aspects of business on Forbes. I never know when an article idea will come to me, so I keep a notebook handy and am always jotting down my ideas. Sometimes I interview other people, and that often spurs new ideas for me to write about in the future.

 5) How do you best balance personal and professional in your online activities? Please give examples.

I mostly keep my personal and professional social media activities separate. I use Twitter and my professional Facebook page to promote my articles, and I have a personal Facebook page that I reserve for close friends and family.

6) What is some tangible evidence that your online presence has grown your business? 

I live in a rural area, so my online activities don’t necessarily attract new clients for me. Instead, my online presence provides new income streams for me altogether. I generate enough revenue through writing and speaking that I’ve drastically cut back on my therapy practice, and now I only see clients two days per week.

7) What other ways has your strong online presence helped you?

I have been able to land interviews with major print media outlets like NBC.com, TimeParenting, and Success. I’ve also done national radio shows and have appeared on news programs like Fox News and Glenn Beck. People discover me through online searches, and I’m often invited for speaking engagements.

Last year, I wrote an article on mental strength that went viral and received millions of page views. A writer at Forbes picked it up, and the article attracted almost 10 million more views. Not long after, I was contacted by a literary agent who suggested I write a book. I was offered a book deal with William Morrow (an imprint of HarperCollins), and my book is scheduled to hit the shelves in January of 2015.

8) What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered creating and maintaining your online presence?

The internet is constantly changing. What is considered good practice one year is outdated and can even lead to search engine penalties the next year. It’s been a challenge to try and keep up with the latest changes to ensure that the content I write gets discovered and shared on social media.

 How have you overcome those challenges?

 I spend time each week educating myself about the recent online changes. That means reading about the latest social media trends and actively engaging in conversations with other people about strategies to maintain a strong online presence.

 9) What tips or resources can you recommend to help therapists who are new to the online world of blogging, social media, SEO, etc.?

I recommend taking it one step at a time. Initially, the online world can seem quite confusing and overwhelming. But compared to the DSM and the insurance world, blogging and social media are relatively easy to navigate. There are lots of basic tutorials for people looking to get started. Focus on one strategy at a time, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Amy Morin, LCSW 


Website: www.amymorinlcsw.com

Visit her Facebook Page

Follow Amy on Twitter

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The Power of Online Presence: Social Media Tips from Top Podcaster Joseph R. Sanock, LPC


Discover how some very successful mental health professionals use blogging, social media, and other technologies as powerful tools for their therapy practices.  

This is the second post in our new series "The Power of Online Presence." Today's featured therapist is Joseph R. Sanock, an MA, LLP, LPC, NCC who owns "Mental Wellness Counseling" and also works as a private practice consultant with "Practice of the Practice."

When and how did you first start putting time and effort into maintaining a strong online presence

In early 2012, I launched www.PracticeofthePractice.com and relaunched www.MentalWellnessCounseling.com. Through my private practice, Mental Wellness Counseling, I began blogging and building a stronger network. Within 6 weeks, I grew my page rank from the bottom of page 3 to the middle of page 1 in my area.

Please describe what social platforms you currently use.  

I use a wide variety of social media platforms. I have a blog, a podcast, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and StumbleUpon. That's a lot!

I have found that Pinterest has actually been my leading referral for both my private practice and my consulting business. I think this is because Pinterest users are the most purchase-minded (Gary Vaynerchuck talks about this in his book, "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook."). People who go on Pinterest are dreaming about having a new life. It could be a new hair style, a new dress, or a renovation. They are in a mindset of change. As counselors, we fit perfectly into that mindset.

Facebook has also been a great tool to engage with an audience, but it has not driven clear traffic to my websites. I view Facebook as more of a platform to build a foundation of being known within my community. I think that it then creates clear channels to set up appointments and engage with me, especially for future consulting clients.

About how much time do you devote to your online presence? How do you balance it with your other work responsibilities?  

I work a 40-hour work week and then also run my private practice, podcast, and consulting business. My wife is a play-at-home mom, so I'm the only income earner. This means I have to be highly focused. When I write blog posts, I use Google's Keyword Planner (here is a walk through article on it) so I can get the most organic searches for articles. I want to know whether "depression" or "anxiety" is searched more before I spend time on the article. Overall, I spend about 2 hours a week emailing clients and readers, 2 hours a week writing blog posts, 1 hour a week on creating content for social media, and 3 hours a week on creating and promoting my podcasts.

I'm careful to balance my time between work and my family.  I don't look at email or social media on Saturdays because I want to be fully present with my three-year-old daughter and wife. We plan fun adventures together, and it reminds me why I work hard: to be able to have more family time.

What kind of things do you use to inspire your content creation; what do you write about?  

There are three ways that I am inspired:

1. Reading books outside our industry                                                                      

2. Finding local issues and adding a psychology spin to them                                    

3. Recurring questions  

I mostly read business, marketing, and passive income books. I listen to business podcasts on my way to and from work, and I'm always inspired to think of ways to apply what I'm learning to my practice.  

I also try to "trendjack." When something is erupting on social media in my town, I write a blog post about that issue. For example, we recently had a huge festival in Traverse City. There was trash everywhere and pictures of it all over Facebook. People were really mad! I wrote an article called Pure Michigan Litter: The Psychology of Trash and sent it to a local radio station. They later invited me on air to discuss my piece. It was an amazing way to get free exposure by writing about a hot topic.

Lastly, when I have clients or readers that keep asking the same question, I write a blog post about it. Over and over, I was teaching consulting clients how to do keyword research. Finally I wrote an article to point them to; it saves me time and builds my perceived worth!

How do you best balance personal and professional in your online activities? Please give examples. 

One thing I do to make things easier and cut down on time is streamline how I work. For example, my StumbleUpon account automatically posts what I like to my Twitter feed. Also, if I video something locally that I like, I'll post it to my Mental Wellness Counseling page to make it more fun and engaging. I brought on a social media intern to help with my content creation. And I make a point to leave work at work; when I'm playing with my daughter, I leave my phone across the room so I don't get distracted.

What is some tangible evidence that your online presence has grown your business?

I work around 10 hours per week on my business. Every month, I post my month income for my audience to read (Joe's Monthly Income Reports). Here are some stats:

  • Since Jan 2012, I have gone from being a solo practitioner to having 3 additional counselors. I am adding 2 more in the coming months.
  • Moved from a 300 square foot single office to a 1,002 office with a corner view of the water.
  • In September 2012, I made $1,361.60. In June 2014, I made $8,486.38.
  • In June 2012, my consulting website (www.PracticeofthePractice.com) had 793 sessions with 1,849 page views. In June 2014, I had 2,992 sessions and 6,398 page views.
  • I have the #1 podcast for counselors in private practice on iTunes!

Besides attracting clients, what other ways has your strong online presence helped you?

I've met and collaborated with therapists whom I never would have known otherwise. I've found that networking online with professionals in the field creates less of a sense of loneliness since we are connecting with one other. I've also gained national exposure and been able to reach a larger audience.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered creating and maintaining your online presence

The hardest thing for me is to not take on more than what I can do really well. It's easy to get overwhelmed with social media: blogging, websites, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, email lists, podcast, etc. But just like we teach our clients, we need to take a small step in the right direction. I took on too much at the beginning and had to learn to focus my time on what I could do well and what helped me create more income. Looking at the analytics helped me narrow down my efforts.

What tips or resources can you recommend to help therapists who are new to the online world of blogging, social media, SEO, etc.?

The book "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook" by Gary Veynerchuck


power of online presence

Joseph R. Sanok, MA, LLP, LPC, NCC

Website: www.MentalWellnessCounseling.com Blog: www.PracticeofthePractice.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PracticeOfThePractice Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/jsanok/ Listen to Joe's Podcast on iTunes Get practice tips and blog updates in your inbox. Sign up for the Private Practice Toolbox Newsletter here.

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Need help blogging? Join my ongoing therapist blog challenge!

The Power of Online Presence: Mari A. Lee, LMFT Overcame 'Technophobia' to Become Best-Selling Author

power of online Discover how some very successful mental health professionals use blogging, social media, and other technologies as powerful tools for their therapy practices.   I've discussed in great length ways that my online presence has benefited my private practice. But don't just take my word for it. Many therapists have utilized the power of social media and blogging to get the word out about their practice, establish rapport, and build trust with those in their community. I've asked a few of my colleagues some questions about their experiences (the good and the bad) building their online presence.  This is the first of several interviews where you can learn from the professionals.  My hope is for you to read these and understand even more just how valuable an online presence can be, not just for attracting clients, but for opening up other professional opportunities. Our first featured therapist is Mari A. Lee, an LMFT who specializes in sex addiction recovery.

1)  When and how did you first start putting time and effort into maintaining a strong online presence?

 Nearly 10 years ago when I was first starting out as an intern, I knew I wanted to have a website and better understand how to build my brand. I worked with a coach and a web designer to help me understand the basics. I had a Facebook page and a LinkedIn profile to start.  Over the years, I began to understand even more the benefit of an online presence, so I eventually updated my website and then found ways to refine and streamline my social media.  

2)  Please describe what social platforms you currently use. 

Originally I started with a Squarespace website and a LinkedIn account; I still use both. However, I now have a Facebook business page where I frequently post and receive feedback.  I have a blog as well that I update regularly.  I do have a Twitter and a Google+ account, though truthfully, I don't use them often.  Also, I recently moved my professional email to a gmail account and am really enjoying all of the added benefits from Google mail.  

One thing I love about social media is how it can connect you to others in the field. I belong to 3 professional organizations for my specialization as a sex and love addiction therapist. I participate often and have found this to be an excellent resource to build my reputation and brand, as well as build trusted relationships with other therapists within my specialization.

3)  About how much time do you devote to your online presence?  How do you balance it with your other work responsibilities?  

I am an author, so writing is a first love to me.  I enjoy this practice and find it fun, therapeutic, and exciting to write each day. I write 5 days a week and spend about 30-60 min every morning nurturing my online presence. Though I have a very busy private practice, I really don't find this to be difficult to balance into my schedule.  I think part of this is because writing comes quite naturally to me, and also I have more time to devote to my online presence because I do not have to contend with insurance billing and such.  

4)  What kinds of things do you use to inspire your content creations; what do you write about?

I love this question! The sky is the limit with respect to what I find inspirational. It could be something from my personal life that I feel would be helpful and supportive. It might be a trend I am seeing with clients in my private practice (for example: Boundaries, Assumptions, Gratitude). It could be a poem I have read, or a movie I have seen, a hot topic in current media, a trend, a project I am working on.  

I draw from many sources, and I believe this keeps my writing authentic and "me." That said, it is important to keep the material relevant and fresh. Writing about female business owners in their 50s, might be a bit blah to someone doing a search, but writing about female business owners taking 10 weeks of vacation a year, making six figures, and writing top selling e-books may have more of an SEO draw.

5)  How do you best balance personal and professional in your online activities?  Please give examples.  

I tend to keep pretty tight boundaries on my personal and professional online activities. For example, I have a social media form for therapy clients as part of my intake packet that they sign. I do not allow clients to post to my business Facebook page or private message me. They may read an article, blog and so forth if they choose, but that is it. I do not accept friend requests or professional links from therapy clients on LinkedIn.  I have had a couple of clients attempt to add me as a friend.  When this happens I redirect them back to my policy and process in their next session. Thankfully, I have not had any issues to date with clients overstepping boundaries. If that should happen, I would address this as part of the clinical work.

6)  What is some tangible evidence that your online presence has grown your business?

My practice has grown to the point where I have recently raised my fees in order to reduce my waiting list.  I have been referring out about 15-20 clients per month to other trusted colleagues in my area. However, this is about to change, as I am getting ready to hire 2 new therapists in 2015.  I'd like to keep some of this income under Growth Counseling Services, and my business is telling me that it is time to grow.  I have also increased my income in the last 3 years by 25% and it grows higher each year.  I anticipate 2015 to be a large jump in business/income.  

7)  Besides attracting clients, what other ways has your strong online presence helped you?

I have so enjoyed connecting with other professionals. My amazing virtual assistant and I met via a Facebook professional group, and it is really fun and enjoyable to see colleagues who have become friends posting updates on their latest and greatest and cheering them on!  Additionally, I have been asked to do radio and podcast interviews, my 5-star Amazon book, "Facing Heartbreak: Steps to Recovery for Partners of Sex Addicts" is now the #1 book in the world for spouses of sex addicts, and my e-book for therapists, "The Creative Clinician: Exercises and Activities for Clients and Group Therapy" has been flying off my website store based solely on therapists hearing about this, reading the testimonials and positive posts from other therapists, and then purchasing this resource. In the last year I have been hired three times for paid speaking gigs that paid several thousand dollars each. I could go on and on - the benefits and blessings are innumerable!

8)  What have been some of the biggest challenges you've encountered creating and maintaing your online presence?

I was scared and resistant to learning new technologies.  Miranda Palmer, who is a friend and a colleague, has been one of my biggest supports in being gently relentless (and incredibly patient) in supporting me. Additionally, my virtual assistant Kurt has been a huge help in walking me through some of the unknowns. I always share that if I can figure out how to blog, attend and facilitate webinars, host online trainings, navigate my FB business page, and so forth, anyone out there reading this can. I was the biggest scaredy cat of all!

9) How have you overcome those challenges?

I started out with small, focused goals. For example, I worked on my website a website presence, then updated my LinkedIn profile.  Pretty soon, I began to attend webinars and, then set aside a budget for paid coaching when needed. I hired a tech savvy virtual assistant who walked me through the world of Facebook and Twitter.   The most important thing I have done to help myself is to set aside time to practice each week.  I ask questions, I listen and read, I offer to others any information that I have found helpful in order to give back.  And I try to operate from a place of gratitude. A polite thank you and introduction with an offer to help the other person (instead of just asking for a hand out) goes a long way in the virtual community, and in real life!

10)  What tips or resources can you recommend to help therapists who are new to the online world of blogging, social media, SEO, etc.?

Trust that you CAN do this. Try to lean into your fears and don't bite off too much at a time. Make a list, and start at the top with a website. Even 3-4 pages is a good start. Hire experts and coaches when needed. Don't feel like you have to be the best writer in the world or a published author to have a blog or FB business page. Even posting a few short sentences and including a short video clip or inspirational quote is good enough. Baby steps! And here is my numero uno tip: Operate from a place of respect, gratitude, kindness and good will. People and professionals in the virtual communities and social media will get a real sense of who you are very quickly. If you are snarky, a know it all, or mean spirited, this will translate very quickly to the online world. I try to extend from a positive space and in doing so, attract other focused, joyful, interesting, and successful positive therapists and healers. When I come across a Negative Nellie, Envious Irma, Debbie Downer or Fear Fred, I just bow out politely from those kinds of interactions. You will notice right away within Facebook groups, LinkedIn feeds, professional list serves and Twitter who these folks are; these are the people who lead with fear, dire warnings, and rain on the parade vs. picking up a kazoo, jumping on the float and moving forward. I prefer to surround myself with like-minded, whole hearted, authentic colleagues of integrity who are out there making their dreams come true. Best wishes in creating your online presence.  If this 52 year-old former tech scaredy cat can do it, so can you!

Mari Lee Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S 
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #47920
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist & CSAT-S Supervisor
    I'm excited to present these therapists' stories about building their online presence.
Stay tuned for more!

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