
Tough Love: How to Be Firm About Finances

firm about finances When you decided to go into the field of professional psychotherapy, it's likely that your reasons had little to do with money. Even as you first started, you probably didn't have dollars on the brain all the time (payments, insurance, fees, collections, etc.). Billing specialists deal with that stuff, not us, right? But those of us in private practice quickly discover how important it is to acknowledge and successfully navigate the financial aspect of our businesses. And resigning from managed care panels and switching to a fee-for-service model means that the responsibility to collect fees relies on the individual therapy practice; now, it's our job.

I certainly understand that it can be awkward. People get weird about money. I used to be uncomfortable asking clients for payment after they'd born their souls to me. But thankfully, there's a way to conquer money anxiety, serve your clients, and still meet the needs of your practice and of yourself. Here are some strategies I've discovered about how to be firm about finances and present your stated fees to clients with confidence:

(Re)Consider the Purpose of Money

Your own personal history may lead to your feeling anxiety about money. It may help to rethink the role it plays and the reason why we even have it in the first place: you are offering your time, energy, and skills to therapy, and in return, the client is offering you the resource of money. It's an energy exchange that can be emotionally neutral. It doesn't mean you are greedy or uncaring; not at all!

Value Yourself and Your Services

When I first started, I had a hard time seeing myself as a professional, which meant that I wasn't as confident or assertive about asking for money. But my supervisor helped me understand the training, skills, education, and experience I could offer. Remember what you're worth: you can provide valuable insight to those who are struggling, and you deserve to be compensated for your work. Keeping this in mind will help make it easier to accept payments and communicate about money issues.

Charge Before the Session

It works best to ask for payment at the beginning of the session before attempting to conquer tough emotional issues. This gets it out of the way right away and avoids the potentially awkward exchange at the end. There's no surprise, no uncomfortable conversation about fees owed. There's also something about being paid up front that is gratifying and enforcing for the therapist.

Use a "Money Script"

When possible, it's best to keep a separation between the therapist and the finances because it helps the client not associate his/her counselor with money. Use a planned and rehearsed script to communicate about payments. It may go something like this:

How would you like to pay for your session today?"

When potential clients ask, "Do you work with my insurance company?" I respond, "While we don't bill insurance directly, I'm happy to provide you with a receipt to submit for reimbursement from your insurance company. You may want to check with them and ask if you have out-of-network mental health benefits."

Have a Clearly Stated Payment Policy and Stick to It

Don't skimp on this. Take the time to develop and implement a carefully thought-out policy concerning payments, no-shows, cancellations, etc. By setting clear expectations, you can pave the way for an efficiently run practice with clients who attend sessions and take therapy seriously. Your actions and attitudes about finances will set the tone: if you feel anxious discussing money, your client likely will as well. But if you're professional, positive, and confident, a client will feel at ease.

My clinic policy is that if you are one session behind in payment your therapy is on hold until your account is up to date. Also, we charge full fee for no-shows and late cancellations, even on initial sessions, unless there is an emergency (read here for more about how to get paid for no-shows) . Therapist Leland Clipperton of Counseling & Mediation has a system in place where a client can actually receive a discount by pre-paying for 4 sessions in advance. Do some research, ask around, and get creative and innovative in developing a policy payment or tweaking your existing one.

You may find it helpful to have a system to notify your clients about their upcoming sessions. Making phone calls or using your EHR to send automated text messages or emails a day or two beforehand can serve as important reminders and reinforce the value of therapy. So if they're making the financial investment, we might consider making an extra effort to encourage them to be there.

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In my 12 years in private practice, I've gotten extremely comfortable talking about financial issues with clients. With time, experience, and the use of these strategies, I am confident that the same can be true of you.

 How are YOU firm about finances?

What money tips and strategies that have benefitted your practice can you share?

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10 Things I Accidentally Did Right In Building My Private Practice

As I reflecting back on 10  years in private practice I did a few things right, mostly by chance.

With a business license, professional license, and big dreams, I opened a private practice ten years ago. Having never taken a business, marketing, or management course, I have learned "on the job" how to be a small business owner. Hopefully, you can learn from what I accidentally did right and intentionally apply them as you build your private practice.

1) Start small, think big

At the time I opened the doors I was a solo practitioner. Those of you in solo practice know that means I was the receptionist, the billing manager, the webmaster, the marketing specialist...Being a "one woman show" for a few years not only taught me what it takes to run a practice, but also how to teach others what I had learned as the practice grew. My vision was to grow my practice into a group with several practitioners and over time, that has happened.

2) Grow slowly

I didn't know it then, but one of the main reasons new businesses fail is because they grow too quickly. As a mother of 3 children at the time, I was fine growing slowly so I could manage the multiple demands on my time. Turns out it was good for business too. Growing slowly allowed me to build a business without loans or going into debt.

3) Charge more than you think you're worth

From my first day in private practice I have always charged a higher fee than I felt I was worth. This forced me to deal with my own money issues, and to learn to value my own services and skills more highly. I came to understand the value of the perceived value of my services as clients assumed that I must be very skilled in order to charge at the high end of the scale for my location.

4) Think like a business owner

My family of origin tends to have an entrepreneurial mindset where self-employment, flexibility, and freedom are highly valued. This framework helped me to be able to think like a business owner and a therapist and to find an emotional place where those two roles weren't mutually exclusive. Although they are occasionally in conflict, I've found that that is a rare occasion. Thinking like a small business owner has helped me to set better therapeutic boundaries with clients as well.

5) Trust your gut

In all areas of practice, from office location, to logo design, to who to hire, to which practice software to purchase, after researching the best options I ultimately followed my intuition in making key decisions for my private practice. While the path hasn't been perfect, I can't think of one decision where I trusted my gut and regretted it.

6) Hire qualified people that you trust with your reputation

One of the scariest things in growing from a solo practitioner to a larger practice is hiring people who have the power to impact  your professional and business reputation. In addition to hiring very qualified staff, also hire people that you'd trust and train them how to present themselves in a way that builds your credibility.

7) Set strong boundaries with money

Whether it's following through with your office policies regarding collections, or saving for those dips in client numbers, I have tried to be consistent with money policies. This also applies when hiring employees. My tendency was to give away a little too much at first, because of my inexperience. I soon learned that there is a cost, emotionally and financially, to having employees, and that I deserve to get paid for management time and for holding all of the liability in the practice setting.

8) Create a home away from home

Creating a comfortable yet professional office space has helped me, and my clients, to feel welcomed and safe. I've found self-expression in my private office environment and decor helps foster a sense of safety and nurturing and creates a space where I feel at ease.

9) Integrate your passions into your practice

I have always integrated current interests and passions into my private practice. If there's a film that I really like, I'll use that with clients. More recently I've become a tech geek, so I've integrated technology into my private practice by launching an online therapy division, moving to electronic records, and building a social media following.

10) Take good care of you

Personal self care has always been high on my priority list. I've known that if my own needs were going to get met it was my job to make it happen. Whether it's scheduling exercise, bringing healthy food to work, making time for social events, or attending my own therapy, I am fiercely committed to making sure I am taking care of me. I think those habits have allowed me to energetically continue investing in my clients, my practice, and my employees without feeling burned out.

What things have you accidentally done right in building your practice? Please share so we can learn from each other!

9 Ways To Get Doctor Referrals

Want to build strong referral relationships with medical professionals? The key is offering them something of value.

A few therapists at my clinic have been focusing on networking with Doctor's offices as potential referral sources. Through my 10 years in private practice, I've wasted a lot of time visiting medical practices with little result. However, during that time I found a few doctors or health practitioners who have consistently referred to me so I put together an training and presented it at our staff meeting yesterday. I thought that some of you might appreciate some tips on how I've built relationships of trust with medical practices who have referred patients for mental health or relationship therapy.

1) Ask for referrals

Don't be afraid to be bold and ask specifically for referrals from the physician or health provider. Let them know that you currently have openings and will get their patients in as soon as possible. When they refer, be responsive and get their patients in as soon as possible.

2) Face to face builds trust

While sending an email or making a phone call are convenient ways to reach out to physicians, nothing can replace face-to-face interactions when it comes to building trust.

3) Educate them on your specialty areas

Be clear and concise about who you are, what you do, and how you can help their patients. Be clear with them about who you want to see: your ideal client. For more information about how to craft your basic practice message see my post Why Therapists Need An Elevator Speech.

4) Teach them how to make strong referrals

  • Suggest that they write the prescription for therapy on an official RX pad
  • Suggest that they (or an office assistant) call your office while the client is still in their office to make an appointment.
  • Suggest that they strongly recommend you, specifically.

5) Make friends with the office staff

The office support staff, receptionist, nurse, medical assistant, or office manager may actually do more of the referring than the provider. Don't over look the power of building trust and rapport with the support staff in medical offices.

6)  Follow up every three months

Periodically following up with providers is important to staying at "top of mind" for referrals. I've found that contacting the provider every quarter is a good time frame for following up. You don't want to be a nuisance to busy medical practices, or appear desperate by following up too often, however, if you wait six months they may have run out of your cards or forgotten about you entirely.

7)  Make sure they have plenty of cards

Even though we live in a digital age, paper is sometimes the best method for communication. Having professional business cards and brochures printed and regularly stocked give physicians offices something concrete to give to patients and increases the likelihood that they will actually contact you after they leave the office.

8) Offer to be a resource

Healthy relationships need to be mutually beneficial. So, when you ask the doctors for referrals, be sure you have something to offer. I've offered to be an ongoing resource should they have questions about referrals. I often say, "Refer anyone to me and I'll make sure that your patient's get the mental health or relationship counseling they need." Another service you can offer is in-service trainings for their staff on topics relevant to their patients, speak at their staff meetings on something that is valuable to them.

9) Send personalized thank you cards

When you receive a referral from a physician office, be sure to acknowledge and share your appreciation. I've found that sending a personalized physical "thank you" card via "snail mail" makes an impact. Always include a few of your business cards, and ask for more referrals.

What tips have helped you build referral relationships with medical professionals? Please post them below.

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Are You Comfortable Asking Clients For Money?

Wallet - MoneyDuring my graduate school practicum placements I never had to think about the financial aspect of seeing clients. Billing specialists took care of collections. That was their job. After graduation I worked in a private practice setting where I was required to ask clients directly It was awkward at first to have clients share their pain with me, open their hearts, and be so vulnerable, and then ask them to pay me.

Adding to my money anxiety was the fact that I was charging the same rate as my clinical supervisor and I didn't believe my services were worth it. My supervisor helped me gain confidence by explaining that clients aren't just paying for my time and skill, but they're also paying for her years of expertise. I hadn't thought about it from that perspective before.

My supervisor also helped me to view myself as a professional. Even though I wasn't licensed to practice independently I did had a graduate degree and two years of practicum, and I was licensed to practice under supervision. I had valuable experience, knowledge, skills and tools to help my clients.

Almost 10 years ago I started a solo private practice. Suddenly, I was the therapist, the receptionist, the webmaster, the marketer, and the billing specialist/collections department. I realized that I had to get even more comfortable bringing up money with clients if I was going to build a successful practice. Through the years I've become extremely comfortable addressing the financial aspect of clinical practice with clients. Here are a few things I've learned to help you get more comfortable with money in your private practice.

1) Value your expertise

Keep in mind the time, money, energy, and passion you've invested in your education and training. The more confident you feel in yourself, the easier it will be to accept client's payments and comfortably bring up money issues.

2) Think of money as energy exchange

Money can be such a loaded topic, fraught with baggage from your own upbringing. It may help to reframe money in a more emotionally neutral way, as energy. You are offering your gift of investing energy in the therapeutic experience in order to help your client, and they are offering you their energy resource called "money."

3) Ask for payment at the beginning of the session

I've found that it works best for me to bring up money related issues at the beginning of sessions before delving into deeper therapeutic issues. It's awkward to ask for money after a client shared deep pain during their session.

4) Set firm payment policies and stick to them

Clients will take your lead with money issues. Setting consistent policies regarding payment from the onset of therapy teaches your client what you expect in the therapeutic relationship. If you're anxious about asking for money, your client will feel uncomfortable too. If you're confident, they'll likely respond positively. My clinic policy is that if you are one session behind in payment your therapy is on hold until your account is up to date. Also, we charge full fee for no shows and late cancellations, even on initial sessions, unless there is an emergency.

5) Money is a clinical issue

If you have clients who resist paying you, who "forget" their checkbook, who cancel at the last minute and don't want to pay you, treat the resistance as a clinical issue. Consider how the client's money patterns are part of the larger issues brings them into therapy and address it openly in your session.

6) Write a "money script" and practice it

I've recommended to several therapists I've supervised or consulted with who feel anxiety bringing up money with clients to write down a brief script and role play. Here's an example of the phrases I use in my practice.

At the beginning of the session, before walking into my office I ask, "How would you like to pay for your session today?"

When potential clients ask, "Do you work with my insurance company?" I respond, "While we don't bill insurance directly, I'm happy to provide you with a receipt to submit for reimbursement from your insurance company. You may want to check with them and ask if you have out-of-network mental health benefits."

Do you have money anxiety? What blocks do you have when it comes to asking clients for payment? How have your overcome them? Feel free to post your thoughts and comments below.

Creative Commons License photo credit: 401K