Long Haul

Why I Only Hire W-2 Therapists (W-2 vs. 1099 part 3)

Why I Only Hire W-2 TherapistsI've noticed that private practice therapist tend to hire additional therapists as 1099 contract employees. Reasons frequently cited for choosing to hire therapists as 1099 employees is that they don't have to pay the therapists taxes. While it may be more "affordable" to hire therapists as contractors, in my experience, there are also "costs." (For an summary of the difference between W-2 and 1099 employees read part 1 in this series. To hear about my employment tax audit adventure read part 2.)

According to the IRS website, the general rule for classifying 1099 independent contractor is "if the payer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done" (italics added). It also states that an employee is not a contract employee if the services "can be controlled by an employer (what will be done and how it will be done)" and if "the employer has the legal right to control the details of how the services are performed."

In consulting with therapists around the U.S. I've heard about some of the "costs" of hiring 1099 employees. Some of the costs high turnover rates due to the part-time and often temporary nature of contract employee relationships. Some of those "costs" include lack of control over how and where therapy is done, inability to require specific paperwork, inability to require attendance at staff meetings or trainings, inability to request that therapists network and participate in community outreach to boost referrals.

Here are the four main reasons I only hire therapists as W-2 employees:

1) Overall Cohesiveness

My vision for Wasatch Family Therapy has always been to build a cohesive team with a shared long-term vision of providing excellent clinical services to clients across the lifespan from an attachment perspective, not just have a group of therapist doing any kind of therapy they choose.  Now that we have grown into a clinic of 18 therapists at 3 locations cohesiveness is even more crucial. When therapists are hired as 1099 contractors employers are not supposed to tell the contract worker how to do therapy, or make other specific requirements of the worker, such attendance at trainings.

2) Higher Level of Quality Control

If a therapist is going to work under my name and my practice name or "brand", I want to be able to have a say in how, where, and when they do the work.  I've spend over 10 years building trust, credibility, and presence in my region and I want to be able to be able provide mentoring, direction, and training in how my clinical team provides services.

3) Ability to Require Certain Activities

I want to be able to require certain activities from my team members that hiring them as 1099 workers does not allow me to do. We have streamlined forms for notes and documentation in our EHR system. I require each therapist to engage in at least one outreach or networking activity each month in order to create strong referral sources. I require attendance at two monthly staff meetings, and a certain level of professional appearance at the office.

4) Implication of Long-Term Relationship

I am not interested in hiring temporary therapists to provide services. Hiring 1099 workers generally implies a short-term relationship. I am interested in hiring therapists who have a shared vision and who I can invest in long-term, and who will invest in building the practice long-term. I want to build mutually beneficial relationships not just provide services. Hiring therapists as W-2 employees shows a greater long-term commitment to them to build their practice for the long haul. I also allows me to expect a greater commitment from them.



Why I 'Broke Up' With Managed Care

At times, working with managed care insurance panels in private practice felt like dating a bad boyfriend. I was constantly investing more time and attention than "he" was in the "relationship" and it started to wear me down. I got up the nerve to break it off for good. I've never looked back. I understand that building a practice free of managed care isn't for every therapist. I am grateful for excellent colleagues who participate on insurance panel because and there is a great need for their services and I frequently refer clients to them. However, if you're a private practitioner considering building a practice outside of managed care, I share my experience of resigning from managed care to give you the courage to take the leap, and the faith to know that it can work. So here's my story...

After I received my clinical license I started applying to any health insurance panel. I just assumed that's how you're "supposed" to get clients in a private practice because every therapist I'd known had followed this path to get referrals. I was accepted to many panels and my practice started to grow. I was ecstatic.

However, as time went on I started to resent many aspects of working with managed care panels and it began to effect how I felt about my work in general. I felt overworked and drained and knew that something needed to shift if I was to be in private practice for the long haul. Here's what I started noticing about my relationship with managed care.

  • Excessive paperwork: I was spending almost as much time performing unpaid work (paperwork, phone calls, tracking authorizations, and billing) as I was spending seeing clients. I went into this field to do therapy, not paperwork.
  • Reduced income: I resented writing off 40-60% of my fee upfront just to be placed on a list with dozens and dozens of other therapists. The managed care companies weren't doing anything to market my practice and yet I was being asked to take a huge pay cut to work with their clients.
  • Mandatory diagnosing: I grew tired of having to diagnose every client who walked into my office in order to get paid. When I met with a client who didn't have clearly diagnosable symptoms I was faced with a dilemma. Do I stretch a diagnosis just so I can get paid, or do I do free therapy because insurance won't reimburse without a diagnosis?
  • Denied or delayed payments: Being denied reimbursement for a variety of reasons and receiving payment weeks or months after I had performed the service grew frustrating.

My uneasiness led me to critically look at the financial numbers and I was astounded by the amount of money I was writing off just to participate on managed care panels. I decided that there had to be a better way to for me to run my practice. I realized that if I resigned from managed care panels and transitioned to a fee for service practice, I could see half the number of clients weekly and make the same income. Or, I could see the same number of clients and double my income. To top it off, I could eliminate most of my unpaid paperwork hours. Work less and make more? It was a dream come true for a private practitioner and mother of young children.

I resigned from all managed care panels in 2007 and raised my fee by 10%. Since then, my private practice, Wasatch Family Therapy, has grown from a solo practice of one to a thriving clinic employing several therapists. We are adding a second office location later this month. It has taken some relentless marketing, consistent networking, and social media skills to keep a practice growing without managed care or any outside contracts, but it has worked. If I can do it, you can too.