Dr- Laura Louis

A Day in the Life: Meet Psychologist Laura Louis, Ph.D.

Screen shot 2014-12-13 at 2.56.12 PMDr. Laura Louis has worked in the field of psychology for over ten years. Her specialities includes multicultural counseling and helping couples rebuild trust and intimacy after infidelity. Using her professional expertise and experience, she authored a book entitled Marital Peace: 10 Things You Can Do To Divorce Proof Your Marriage. Beyond her clinical career, Louis has provided consultation to different organizations and agencies to improve their productivity and efficiency through increased communication skills. She has worked in a variety of settings, including schools, court systems, domestic violence shelters, and psychiatric hospitals.

Peek into a day in her life as a psychologist here:

A Day in the Life

December 8, 2014

7:30AM -8AM

Woke up, got dressed, and checked my email.

8AM -10AM

Went to Stone Mountain for my weekly hike. This is what gets my creative juices flowing.


Prepped for my speaking engagement on helping couples heal from past infidelity. My 3 city tour is coming up next week, and I can't wait. YAY! I love to travel and meet new people.


Put the finishing touches on my upcoming webinar about infidelity. I'm excited about reaching a broader audience, but also a bit nervous. Hope it goes well.


Wrote psychological reports while eating lunch (Thought- I need to hire a psychometrist; time to build that team).


Saw 5 clients (one each hour). That's my limit. Anymore, and I start to question my effectiveness.


Headed home. Listened to a few business podcasts on the way from my private practice.


Made it home and kissed husband. Aww, I missed him.


Ate dinner. Since my husband works from home, he made dinner. Yay:) Cuddled together while watching Law and Order. Checked email.

10PM- 11PM

Read Bible and took a shower.


Went to sleep.

To learn more about Dr. Laura, visit www.giftedcounseling.com.

If you'd like to submit a day in your life for this series, please contact me here.